oo1. Filth In the Beauty: Prologue

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DISCLAIMER: My stories are of works of fiction. I do not own anything of the movies, books, or games that I write about. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

SUMMARY: An underground society. Secretive parties. The mysterious Tatum. They have all fallen for the covert community. But how far have some fallen? Manipulation. Lies. Obsession. Secrets. They would do whatever it took to get to the top, just to be part of Tatum's entourage, looking for their big break, while something a little more sinister intertwines its way in.


APRIL 2009

Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles

"What do you think 'telle.com' is?" a man on the streets asked a young girl. Elliot Drake Gibson, preferably Drake, age 22, had just started off as a real journalist and wanted a challenge. He thought the 'Telle' craze was enough of a challenge; two weeks and nowhere. He talked around, nothing, checked out the website; it was plain and nothing too overly exciting. Only kids from the up-town prep schools logged on.

"Telle.com is Tatum's Eternal Life Long Existence. Own and ran by Tatum-TELLE," the young girl, clad in a purple bikini responded.

Telle.com... Tatum's Eternal Life Long Existence. She was making a name for herself and at this rate, was strong and here to stay.

"I know what Telle mean's. My question was what it is to you."

"Oh, why didn't you just say that?" she said. Of course, this girl had nothing on her mind but a tan, although the fact that she was being interviewed pushed back her plans. She was just another female that made up the population of LA's rich, wannabe-famous bimbos; the orange skin, the highlights... the money from daddy himself.

"I love Telle.com and Telle itself," she began, "it's the best. But I'm sworn not to tell anyone the things that go down around Telle; you'll have to find out for yourself." She smiled and happily walked down to the sandy beach, looking for a nice spot to rest and soak in the LA sun of late April.

Telle has been the hottest thing buzzing around the young and rich and only LA's young and rich.

It launched back in December and has been soaring through the air since, and does not seem like it has plans of ever coming back down.

The website itself was designed by the mysterious Tatum Mori, notoriously known-as, Tatum-TELLE. No one has seen her, but her VIP's that only consisted of four people have. Her personal entourage, at her side, in the dark, and her face was never seen, but her voice was always heard. Only seeing the model body and the highest her profile photo has gone, was to those sultry lips of hers. People couldn't believe the pictures. How could someone as beautiful as the unexplained Tatum Mori, be so smart as to create and maintain a phenomena such as Telle?

Drake couldn't believe it either. When he saw her profile, she was a perfectly normal person.

It was crazy and everyone wanted to be a part of the Telle scene.

And the parties that were held every Friday at said place were all but dreary. It was a club seen-a mixture of nightclub and rave-for Los Angeles' youthful heart, mind, and soul.

Telle started off as nothing but a simple online community for the LA zip code, a simple website, created by the mastermind, Tatum-TELLE.

Drake's job and mission was to get information on this Telle craze, go undercover for the real story. Hell, maybe try to interview Tatum herself, whatever it took. It wasn't so small because of all the media attention it was given, but yet, it seemed so secretive.

"Find out for yourself," Drake mumbled to himself.

The thought came to him, slapping him in the face. Cursing to his self for why he didn't think of it before. The consideration of going undercover and getting the information he needed was brilliant. As long as he kept up the façade and hid his motives well, he'll be able to get the winning article, publish it into the small magazine he worked for called Divulge, something like this would get him promoted and finally get the magazine mainstream.

So he quickly headed to his home and dashed right to his computer, almost falling out of his chair. Typing in Telle.com as fast as he could, he ran his eyes over his monitor in search of the SIGN UP button and clicked it.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2009 ⏰

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