Time to Shake things up

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"Whatchya watching Meatwad?" Frylock floated up to the little meatball who sat transfixed at the television set.

"I'm watchin' Beary Nice and Mr. Hotdog! And on this episode they make a new friend." Meatwad explained in his southern accent.

"Well isn't that nice. I'm going to go heat up that frozen casserole in the freezer."

"Mhm." Meatwad was already back in tv land so Frylock went to the kitchen.

Suddenly Shake burst out of his room. He was decked out in all his party gear which could only mean one thing. "It's time to fiesta!"

"Keep it down shake this is the best part!" Meatwad turned the tv up but it was no use. The rowdy drink cup was just too amped up.

"Andele andele!" He shouted excitedly.

Frylock came out of the kitchen to see what all the ruckus was about. "What's all this about Shake?" He asked noticing Shakes party gear.

"Well, since you asked, The Master Shake has been invited to a party!" He said proudly.

Meatwad perked up at that. "A party?You gon' sneak in?" Meatwad figured that's what "invited" meant since that's what Shake usually did when he went to party's.

"No. I was for real invited, by my friends." He said waving his stubby yellow hands for emphasis.

"You don't have any friends besides us Shake!" Frylock knew Shake was pulling their legs.

"Yeah, and Carl," Meatwad added. "The party's not at Carl's house is it? Cause that means we all invited!" Meatwad threw his meaty arms in the air excitedly.

"The party is not at Carls house, no. And Frylock, FYI I do have other friends. You're obviously just jelouse cause you weren't invited." Shake checked his wrist watch. "Well I better get going! See ya losers!" And with that Shake scurried out of their cup shaped front door.

Frylock gave a tired sigh. "What am I going to do with that Shake?" Meatwad shrugs and goes back to watching TV. Frylock decided to go back to the kitchen and check the casserole.

"Dinner's ready, come and get it!" He shouted from the kitchen.

Meat wad smelled the delicious smell of the casserole wafering from the kitchen. "Alright, my favorite!" He jumped from his chair and rolled into the kitchen.


The next morning Shake came back to the house looking rough as ever he shuffled in and closed the door behind him, relieved to be out of the sun because a headache was starting to form. He was obviously still half drunk and his eyes where blood shot. "Well, that was some night! I don't remember a thing but I'm possitive I must've gotten laid last night!"

Frylock floated in looking unamused. "Yeah? How are you so sure?"

Shake looked offended by his fry buddy's ignorant question. "How can I not be? A handsome devil like me going to a party and not getting some action is unheard of." He stated in an, everyone knows that, tone.

Shake threw the empty bottle he was carrying on the floor and went to the living room. He walked up to Meatwad who was sitting happily in the recliner. "Ahem."

"Shake you're back! Good mornin'." Meatwad greeted him happily.

"Hey Meatwad, mind giving me the remote?" The drink cup more demanded than asked already trying to grab the remote from Meatwads hands.

"Hey, I was watching Uncle Grandpa!" Meatwad tried to protest but Shake didn't listen.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did you mistake me for someone who cares?" Shake took the remote from Meatwad and flipped the channel.

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