Chapter 1:

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Most Tumblr users know the intriguing story of Poot Lovato. If you don't, let me ask you, have you ever been locked in a basement? No, I don't mean "Do You Have a Life?", this is what happened to Poot! Most people say that in vain, Demi locked Poot up, like a prisoner in her own home, but this is not true! According to Poot, she was searching for a lost teddy when she was 4, and went into the basement that the Lovato family didn't use anymore. The door locked behind her, and she was stuck. This may have been planned by Demi, but no-one knows for sure. Poot thought it was Demi's fault, and later managed to break out. Like an evil queen, she sabotaged Demi's concerts and did some pretty despicable things. 

But you probably don't want to hear everything that happened to her, so I'll get on with the story.

Chapter 1 (For Real)

Poot and Demi are like most sisters, they argue, then they make up. But their situation was different. After Poot was locked up, Demi completely forgot about her until Poot made an appearance almost 12 years later. Like I just said, Poot was angry and basically messed up Demi's life until they made up. 

"Hey Demi," Said Poot.  "Are you free tomorrow?". 

"Actually, it's the first day of my world tour, starting tomorrow." Replied Demi.

"Oh, right. It's just that I had nothing to do..." Stated Poot. 

Demi Paused for a while then said: "Well... Why don't you come with me?"

Poot thought this was a great idea. And after all, her days of dressing up as Demi were over. Or were they? 

Poot Lovato: World TourWhere stories live. Discover now