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Miracle's POV:

After that heart-racing run, I stopped at the cafeteria to take a break. That was so close! Good thing they were too dumb not to catch me.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and face and snatched my water bottle. After opening its lid, I quickly chugged it down like a maniac. Well, can you blame me? After all that running, how can I not drink like person who has not drink water all his life? Common sense, my friends.

When I noticed that the water has only a quarter left, I placed back the lid and stuffed the bottle into my bag.

I looked up from my bag and glanced around. Very few people were at the cafeteria. That's good news. Atleast, I will not stand out too much here.

Or atleast that's what I thought. After I found a table, people decided to not mind their own businesses and stare. I even heard the group of girls on the table across mine openly whisper about me. Not really trying to hide it, are they?

This scene is too much of a deja vú for me. Sighing, I put my bag down and sat on the chair across the table of the 'gossip girls'. I coughed a fake cough and glared at them beneath my glasses. They seemed to notice my 'warning' because they faced the other way and acted like they were talking about something else. Plastic.

I internally scoffed and grabbed my phone from my pocket. Oh, sh*t! 13 missed calls from Ryan. Frantically, I typed the password and unlocked the screen. Scanning through the contacts, I found his number and quickly dialed it.

It rang for a few seconds before he was able to pick it up. Javla. And 1, 2, 3, here it comes.

"Mi!! Why the hell are you not answering my calls?!?! I've called you for 13 times already! You know what? F*ck it. You have to----." Before he was able to continue his rant, I cut him off.

"Okay, okay. I get it, Ry. I am soooo sorry. Chill out, 'kay? But you have to understand. I really---."

"No, you need to understand, Miracle." He said, not letting me continue my sentence.

"I'm just worried about you. I can't just let you off like that. After all, you're still not that stable. If something happened to you, I won't ever forgive myself." He sighed.

I took a deep breath and calmly replied. "Ry, you don't have to always take the blame whenever someone around you gets in trouble. And anyways, I can already take care of myself. You don't have to worry much, just, trust me, okay? I promise, I won't let that happen to me at all."

He was about to contradict but I butted in. Gosh, he really is a worry-wart. Not that I mind but, sometimes his worrying and protectiveness of me sometimes gets out of hand. Like for example, when I was in my elementary school, there was this guy named Lance who keeps on pinching my arm with no reason. I kinda got annoyed and told about it somehow to Ry. Needless to say, Ryan, being a person like that, 'talked' to the guy. Turns out, Lance just had a crush with me.

Such a little reason in getting beat. Well, at the very least for me. On the other hand, for Ryan, it was such a BIG reason.

And so, history repeats itself. Him freaking out even in the littlelest of things. A lot of shouting, explaining and debating were done before I was able to end the call. it took so much time to finally REALLY convince Ryan to let me continue my plan. After all, he's so much more protective than my late uncle.

Stuffing my phone on my pocket, I grabbed my bag and checked my watch. 6:47 a.m. Good, I still have time.

I stood up and began to walk on my assigned class.

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