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Give it a wall to punch

Or a person to kill

Let the pain corse through it's veins

Or let the pain flood through theirs

It's not the damage of a cracked wall

A broken knuckle or a blood-oozing cut

It's the pain that allows anger to subside

The pain that distracts and amuse

Its not the boiling rage you should be afraid of

Its the anger simmering deep inside

Its alike a volcano threatening to explode

But no idea when, or no idea how

Your pity is that single trigger

To something deadly and fatal

Care or not care

That's up to you

But once you start

You cannot quit

I will return the favor

Of you taking everything

One by one they will disappear

The things you care

The things you love

The fantasy of knuckles colliding with your face

The tempting crack to hear

The urge to fulfill

All stopped by something stronger

No longer will I trust

Anyone except me

Because at the end of the day I'm still alone

Without anyone but

Myself, I and me

They say 'Revenge is best served cold'

And so till the time comes

Just wait patiently for your turn

The light may shine on you

But darkness will still come

And then it takes over

With a control alike one has on wind

Don't come blaming

Don't come crying

In the end it's never your fault

Never is...

[29 May 2013]

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