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tw: non-consensual sex & suicide
Wisconsin, their justice system sucks. Especially if you are a small Japanese mixed with Iranian girl.
You looked at me through the window, and I almost thought you were good looking. You were a middle aged white man with tired eyes. I should've known you by the description the TV station put out.
Around 6'2, Caucasian, and a white baseball cap.
To be quite honest, I can't look at baseball caps quite the same anymore.
Being only 16, after the incident, I took up home schooling. I couldn't go back to school knowing that the fuckboys of senior year would call me "Some Oriental bitch who won't put out know because she got raped"
I just couldn't.
You looked at me, it was scary how much lust you had in your eyes. Like a lion first spotting its prey. I was a girl, I just turned 15. And you took that away from me. You followed me all the way to the Starbucks I was walking to. You offered to buy me a drink. I was stupid enough to say yes.
Now as I contemplate to tie the noose, I reflect on all of the wishes I had on the past year, after the incident.

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