Chapter 22

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Lily PoV

"Please?! I've been in here for like a week since I woke up!" I begged. Pomfrey still wasn't letting me leave.

"You've only been in here 3 days since you woke." She said.

"What if I promise to be really really careful?"

She hesitated for a second then said "oh all right. But you need to promise me you will be calm and careful."

"I promise!" I said standing up and grabbing some jeans from the night stand. I pulled them on then put on a gray t shirt.

Once I was out of the door I sprinted as fart as I could to the tower. It felt good to stretch my legs.

When I reached the stair case leading to the fat lady's portrait I slowed to a stroll.

"Well. Haven't seen you in a while. Where've you been?" She added when I got to her.

"I was in the hospital wing."

"Hmmm." Then she opened up.

When i walked in, someone pounced on me.

"Lily lily lily lily!!" Marlene yelled.

"Hi." I said smiling.

"It felt like forever! With you gone James has been moping and with James moping Sirius has been spending all his time trying to cheer James up. He's hardly talked to me at all this week!" She blabbered on and on about all the things that had been happening. But after about an hour James and the rest of the marauders came in.

"James. You're being unreasonable. I'm sure she's somewhere in the tower. They wouldn't have moved her to st. Mungos. She was doing a lot better." Remus said consolingly.

"But what if something happen- lily!" He yelled.

I ran up to him and hugged him.

"We want to see you but you weren't there."

"I was let out about an hour ago!" I said.

"Prongs here was stressing out. He thought they had moved you to st. Mungos. Like you had gotten worse over the 2 days he didn't see you." Sirius said laughing a bit.

"I was just worried!" James said defensively.

"Well I think it's sweet that you worried." I said. Then I kissed him on the cheek.

I hadn't seen James since I had woken up. It was nice, seeing his eyes light up as he looked at me. It was good to see his handsome face and sharp jaw. His was great to see his messy hair and glasses..

"So you till like me?" James asked abruptly. The other marauders had wondered off during the five minutes James and I had been staring at each other.

"Of course I do! Why would you ask that?!"

"Well. While you were unconscious Snape kept bragging about how, when you wake up, you're going to realize that I'm a dirty rotten scum-bag who doesn't deserve you. And that you're go running back to him. Because according to him, he treats you better than I ever will. He came to visit you quite a bit, and since I was always there we ran into each other, but when he saw me he would leave. Only after telling me how much I don't deserve you."

"Oh James. You know that's not true!" We had moved to the couch. "He's the dirty rotten scum-bag. You're the knight in shinning armor." I said. I was contemplating wither to say something else, that I really wanted to say, or not. I didn't want him to think we were moving too fast. But we had been together before. And by now we had been going out for a few months. I decided to just say it. "I love you James." This was a big step in our relationship.

He looked at me with passion in his eyes. "I love you, Evans." He said. Then he kissed me.

We kissed for a while. I didn't want to be that couple that's always snogging everywhere we go. I didn't want people to think of us like that. But I justified it this one time.

After I just laid my head on his shoulder. I don't know when but I fell asleep.


The next morning I woke and found that I was laying against James. He was fast asleep and we were holding hands. His legs were sprawled out on the couch and I was in his lap with my back to his chest. It was a nice way to wake up.

It was Saturday so I decided to let him sleep some more. I had closed my eyes and fallen asleep again.

A few hours later I woke up again. At first I was a little disoriented as to where I was. But then I remembered. James had woken and was playing with my hair a little.

"Hey." I said softly. It must have been around 7 because the common room was empty.

"Hi. We fell asleep in the common room." His voice was a little bit scratchy like he had just barely woken up. Or hadn't used it for a long time.

"Yeah. I can see that." I said smiling. I adjusted my position so that we were both on the couch and facing each other.

For a while we stared at each other's eyes. Our faces really close to each other. Without thinking much I leaned in closer. Closer. Closer. And then our lips met.

We kissed for a long time and then I rolled so that I was on top of him. His hands were slowly making their way down my spine.

And then I just had to ruin the moment by falling off the slim couch that could barely fit both of us on. I landed on the hard wood floor with a clunk.

"Ouch." I said.

"Lily! Are you okay?!" He said laughing hysterically.

"Fine." I said standing up. I walked toward the portrait hole.

"No. No come back! I'm not laughing at you!" He said in between his laughs. But I just marched away off towards the dining hall. He came following closely behind. He ran to catch up then grabbed hold of my hand. We walked in a comfortable silence to the dining hall.

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