I finished writing the last page of homework for this week. Six pages of pointless work that I never needed in the first place. I got up an placed my books on the shelf and sat down at my computer. I went too my email to see if anybody messaged. I texted Thea back and shut my computer. I hate social media, it's just a place where people hide behind screens and live a made up tumblr life. Pointless. I shut my light off and listened to the sound of rain as I fell asleep.
Beep, beep, beep, beep
I rolled out of bed and slammed my hand on the alarm clock. I stood up and quickly looked through my closet for something too wear. I wore my Maroon pants and white sweater. It went well with my dirty blonde hair. I went too the bathroom and threw my hair into a ponytail and rushed down stairs. I grabbed my phone. "Hurry up I've been outside for the past five minutes. What are you doing in there!"she snapped. I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door. Shit. I ran back inside and grabbed my shoes and got into the car. "Hazel,is this going too be an every day thing? Because as much as you forget your shoes in surprised you even bought them" I shot her a look. "You know I'm in a rush, you show up here ten minutes early and make me feel like I'm late. Cut me some slack."
She laughed and turned the radio on and started singing. I didn't mind the silence between us the whole ride there. That's the thing about Thea. She didn't force an uncomfortable conversation or any at all. Whatever was on her mind she spoke it, and whatever wasn't she didn't.We got into school and she started talking about Stacys brake up with Justin. "Hazel I would of hit her back the way she treats him." She laughed.
"In any case Thea I would just hit Stacy for fun" we started laughing. Stacy is the typical schools bitch. Shes pretty I'll admit that. But she's a slut, and when I say that I mean it. She slept with half the guys in out school, the other half just wasn't good enough for her. And for some reason the bitch hated me. She dressed like she borrowed an eight year olds clothing. Everything skin tight, orange skin and heals that were six inches. Now I know I said she's pretty, but I meant without all the make up.
I was dragged out of my thoughts Once I reached my locker and Thea went to hers. I turned around to put my stuff in my locked when someone ran into me. "Watch were your going ugly" a husky voice said. I didn't bother looking up because I was to busy picking up my books that he knocked out of my hands. I was in no mood for anybody's shit today. "Well maybe if you watched were you were going shit like this wouldn't happen now would it?" I looked up to see who bumped into me. My eyes opened wide with shock. Holy fuck Hazel, what. The. Actual. Fuck.

The Bad Boy's Changing Me
Teen FictionI never really thought someone so ignorant and rude could change my life. He was an asswhole I'll tell you that. And his name you ask? It was Preston Ryder. The schools jerk. Yeah,yeah. I know what your thinking? Not another watt pad book where the...