Amore Series: Stuck In the Moment (Book 2)

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Amore Series: Stuck In The Moment (Book 2) Chapter 1

                                                                 Olivia's POV:

                                                                 *6 years later*

     I opened the door and threw my bag on the counter. I went into the living room where my husband Matt was sitting. I sat on his lap

     "Hey babe." I smiled giving him a kiss.

     "Heyy beautiful." he smiled and kissed back.

     "Babe I had a long day sooo how bout' we go up--" I was interrepted by the doorbell, I got up and opened the door.

     "LIV!" Courtney and Kelly yelled. David was just standing there in the background looking lost.

     "HEY! What are you guys doing here?" I asked. I motioned them to come in, David slowly walked in behind them.

     "We were going to surprise you when you got off of work so here we are.. we're not going to stay long cause I see your kind of busy haha." Courtney said.

     "Yeahh.." Matt said under his breath. I hit Matt as I sat next to him on the couch.

     "Well what's been going on?"

     "Well.... I'm getting married!!!" Kelly said.

     "TO WHOO?!" Matt and I said at the same time.

     "David." she said grabbing for his hand.

      There was an akward silence in the room.

      "Really? I'm shocked --"

       "I know its kinda akward and shocking ever since we left college we've been going outt."

       "Noo, I'm happy for you.." I said. Courtney was sitting on the couch playing with her hands.

       I felt my stomach turn into knots. It felt like I was being punk'd. I can't believe my two best friends are getting married.. I thought he was into me. He was the one who wished he was the groom, not Matt. It was all too much in one day..

      I got up and ran to the bathroom and leaned over the toilet and threw up. I flushed the toliet and washed my hands. I came out everybody was staring at me execpt Matt.

      "Uhmm, was it that much of a shocker?" Kelly said.

      "Are you okay?" David asked.

      ".. Erhh yeah I'm finee. --" I said.

     "that's been happening alot lately, its normal to us." Matt said.

     "Are you sick?" Courtney asked.

     "Nope." I said.

     "Well are you....pregnate..?"

     The room got silent. Well I can't be sick, I dont think I'm pregnate. I just can't be... It would change everything, even though I wanted a child...

     "I think you should go see a doctor like now.." Matt said. " I would like to know if your having our child." He smiled and kissed me on the lips.

    "Well alright the doctor's office should still be open.. I'll go and see what the doctor says.." I said grabbing my bag. I got into my car starting the engine. At the same time I wanted and didn't want to know if I had a child.

    I sat down in the waiting room. Then the doctor called out "Olivia --" I got up and walked in the back to the office.

    "Hello Liv," the doctor said. I looked up smiled.

    "Hello Doctor Jones."

    "So you called and said you think you are pregnate?"

     "Yeah... well i don't know.."

     "Well today we're going to find out."

     I had took a deep breath. There was no way of getting out of finding out if I'm pregnate or not... If I have a baby, I don't what would live would be like.. my mother always just told me it required alot of work and patience.. Hopefully I have both in order to have this child.

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