The day & The confession

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I woke up to olly walking out of the bathroom in just a towel around a waist, I forgot how amazing his body was. 

"come on babe... um sorry charly, get ready we got a big day ahead of us!" he said 

I had shower, got dressed, tied my hair up in a bun and we walked out of the hotel. Soon as we turned the corner, it happened again. girls screaming asking for photos and his autograph, I hope its not going to be like this the whole time we are here. He took me for breakfast first in a little cafe not far from the hotel. 

"so what are we doing today Oll's?" I asked him  

"well we've had our breakfast, we are taking a walk in central park because its meant to be an a-ma-zing place and then going shopping so I can spoil you because I haven't done that for a while" he said with a big smile across his face. 

"Oll's you know I hate it when you spoil me! but I suppose I deserve it since I havent seen you for a while" I joked. 

we both started laughing. He paid for breakfast and we slowly made our way to the park. I didnt realise how big it was! wow it took my breath away. we sat on a bench in the middle of the park. 

"Be back now!" olly said as he ran off. 

he came back with ice-creams. 

"mint choco chip for my princess" he said. 

"thanks olly, you still remembered my favourite flavour and umm just friends remember?" he said while a smile on my face. 

we finished our ice-cream most of it on his face where I kept knocking his arm, I loved joking around with him like little kids. We started making our way to the mall. he took me into every shop buying me most things, clothes, shoes, make-up even though he said I didnt need it, I still wanted some. We walked past a jewellery shop. he stopped an stared inside. 

"come on olly, we should get going its getting late and im abit tired" I tries pulling him away. 

"lets look in here I just seen something nice for my mum" he said while dragging me in there. 

he picked a beautiful necklace but I dont think his mum would wear it. 

he paid for the necklace and we finally got back to the hotel. I changed into some pajamas and jumped into bed and stuck the television on. he hopped in beside me but getting abit closer every 5minutes. I didnt mind as long as he didnt try anything! 

"Charly, you know when you asked me never to lie or keep anything from you?" he asked me 

"yes of course I do, why?" I looked at him puzzled  

"i know your keeping something from me, come on charly I know you to well" he said as he stared at me. He was right, I was keeping something from him but I was to embarrassed to tell him why ive lost so much weight. 

"um... okay, I dont know how to put this olly but you know my weight?" I confessed as I looked down at my hands. 

"yes, you've lost alot it since the last time I seen you" he replied 

"well since we split, I couldnt eat or sleep. I was too upset to do anything. my appetite had disappeared. I started to faint, so I went to the doctors and well I got anorexia" he said as I run off locking myself in the bath room. 

*Knock Knock* 

"Babe come out please?" he asked so politely I couldnt say no. I opened the door and he pulled me me into one of his hugs. We sat in bed talking all night. he kept saying how sorry he was and thatbit was all his fault. Its not his fault though! It was mine for not wanting to eat. I fell asleep with him singing to me. ive missed his singing so much.


Wow I wasnt expecting her to say that! anorexia? this is all my fault. I feel so guilty, she would be fine and healthy if I never done that drunken mistake. she cried into me and all I could do was hug her. all I could say was sorry and that it was all my fault. she kept saying it wasnt but it was, I know it was. I remembered she loves my singing so I started singing "I will always love you" the first song I ever sang to her. she didnt tell me to stop so I just carried on. she eventually feel asleep in my arms, all night I watched her sleep just thinking how perfect she is to me. I missed this... cuddling in bed, her falling asleep on me. Yes she is definitely the one. The only girl for me.  

"charlotte jade evans I love you" I whispered 

"oliver stanley murs I love you too" she said back with a smile on her face.  

"hey I thought you was asleep!" I laughed 

"I was until you moved a little" she smiled 

"aww sorry babe, my arm was going dead, do you really mean it?" I asked 

"of course I do... forever" she kissed my cheek and rolled over to go back to sleep.

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