Chapter 1~ Invitations

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Pinkiepie's POV

"Time to make invitations!" I picked up Glue, Glitter, Markers, Ribbons, and Gems that I "Borrowed" from Rarity the other day

**Knock knock knock**

"Hmm?... Oh no! It's probably Rarity looking for her decor-"

"Pinkie?... It's me... Uh... I'd like to speak with you... Only if you don't mind..."

"Fluttershy?" Oh! It's the total cutie! Wait... I can't let her see the invitations! "Um..." I clear my throat, and try to do the best man voice I could "Pinkiepie isn't here right now, please come back later."

"Oh... Uh... Ok... Do you mind giving her something for me when she gets back?... I'm going shopping in Cloudsdale and I won't be back till night..." I hear her start to slide a note under the door "Please... Don't forget... It's really important..."

"Uh, I won't forget! "Not forgetful" is my middle name!"

"O-Ok... Um... Speaking of name... I didn't quite catch yours... But if you want to be anonymous!... That's ok too!..."

Oh no... I have to think of a name fast! How about... Bob! Or... Harold!... Yeah! Harold Diane Pie! That's a great name!

"Yes. My name is "Harold Diane Pie"

"But I thought your middle name was-"

"See you later Fluttershy!"

"But how do you know my n-"


About 30 seconds pass, and I look out of the window to see if she's still there... Nope! Time to continue making invitations!

**30 minutes of hard work later**

"Phew... The invitations are finally done... Now time to deliver them!

I hop outside and make my way to my first friends house!... Wait! I forgot the note that Fluttershy gave me! I run back inside, trying not to waist any time!

"Where is it?... Oh! There it is!"

I pick the note up and tear it open

"Hi.... The note says "Hi"? Fluttershy... Your so cute..."

After that I go to Rarity's Boutique

"Rarity!? Are you there!?" I said while knocking on the door

"Yes I'm here!" Rarity opens the door

"Wow... You look beautiful!" Rarity has an amazing dress on!

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself!... Uh... Is that my-"

"Here's an invitation to my slumber party tonight! Don't miss it!"

"I won't! See you tonight!"

Time to go to my next friends house! Twilight Sparkle! But I just call her Twilight!

"Uh oh... I hope Spikes not home... I don't want him to get jealous..."

It's a girls only Slumber Party, and he's a... Well... Pervert...

"Twilight!? You home!?" I do the secret PinkieTwi knock! Only me and Twi know about!

"Pinkie?" Twilight opens the door... She's reading a book of course...

"Slumber Party at my place! Can you go!?"

"Well... Can Sp-"

"Can I come?" Oh no... It was Spike...

"Twilight?... Can I speak with you?..." I said

"Um... Sure!"

Me and Twilight walk to the back of her house

"Twilight... It's a girls only Slumber Party..."

"Oh... I'll tell Spike" I hand her the invitation and bounce to Sunset Shimmers house

"Woah... This place is huge!" I knocked on the door

"Who is it?"

That's not Sunset's voice... It sounded like some kind of British guy...

"Uh... Is Sunset home?... It's Pinkie"

"Ah, Pinkamena! Sunset talks about you all of the time! Come in!"

The door opens and a guy that looks like a Butler- Heehee... But-ler! Hahaha! Opens the door

"She's right upstairs, door to your left"

"Okie dokie lokie!" I run up the stairs and see Sunset playing a video game "Sunset?"

"Oh, hey Pinkie! No! That's my Care Package! Get your own! Your so lucky friendly fire is off!"

"Uh... Do you want to come to my Slumber Party tonight!? There's gonna be games, and cake!"

"I'll be there!"

I hand her the note... Oh my Celestia... She wasn't wearing anything but a bra and underwear... I couldn't move... I just stared...

"Uh... Pinkie... Are you..." Sunset blushed

Finally, I come to my senses "Uh... No... See you tonight!" I run out of her house, and to Rainbowdash's house


"Just leave the invitation on the porch"

"Ok!... Wait... How did you know I was gonna give you an invitation?"

"I was following you, but you were to busy to see that. Before you went to Shimmers I just came back up here"

"Uh... Ok... The invitations on the porch... See you there!"

"Yep! See ya there!"

I make my way to AppleJacks farm! Only one more house after this!

"AppleJack!?" AppleJack is bucking apples

"Hiya Pinkie! What's up?"

"Slumber Party at my house tonight! Can you make it?"

"Course ah can! Ah'd never miss one of your parties!"

"Yay! See you tonight!"

I hop to Fluttershy's house! Yes! She's home!

"Fluttershy! Party at my place! Slumber Party to be exact!"

"S-Slumber Party?... Who's gonna take care of my animals?..."

"Pshh, your animals can take care of themselves! Or get Cherilee to take care of them! You know she will!"

"But what about Angel?... He'll miss me..."

"Angel is not a baby anymore! You have to see that!"

"Well... Y-You promise?..."

"I Pinkie promise, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

"Uh... Ok... I'll see you there..."

"Ok! Bye!" Yes! I'm finally done! Now time to get ready for the Slumber Party!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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