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I was five years old when me and my older brother who is 17 years and named Billy, were walking home after watching a 9:30 showing of Spider-Man. He's the best older brother and friend ever, it had taken him a lot of begging and asking for our parents to let him take me to see the movie. As we were walking through the park that was close to the woods by the house we heard some movement coming from the bush. "Billy I'm scared, what if somethings in that bush that could hurt me or you," I asked him in with a hint of worry in my voice. I know my brobro will keep me safe but I can't help but feel scared. "Don't you worry my little Spirit, your big brother is here to protect you," he told me. Billy lifted me off my feet causing a small giggle to escape my mouth as he lifted me onto his shoulders. When we were almost to the house I heard the tune of pop goes the weasel and I hummed along, but for some reason brobro tensed up slowly and reached into his dark brown hoodie pocket to grab his pocket knife he kept handy. Then he lifted me off his shoulders, took his hoodie off and placing it on me so I was wearing it, and he had me stay right behind him. Just as the last note in the song played a black and white clown popped out from behind a bush and shoved some candy into Billy's mouth. This scared me so I did what I was taught, I ran and hid under a small platform. As I layed there I watched as my brother clasped in the grass as the clown ripped his stomach open. It pulled out his organs out, I couldn't watch anymore it was too terrible to watch. I pulled the hood over my head and curled into a little ball inside the jacket after about twenty minutes I passed out, still under the platform. I was awoken by a scream of bloody murder I looked out from under the platform to see my mommy crying next to what's left of my brother's body. The police were called and a nice girl cop asked me and mommy a bunch of questions. That next day was my brothers funeral and I won't take the hoodie off during the funeral, it was a the only thing that I had left of my only brother and friend. I became very distant and hardly spoke, all my cheeriness disappeared. After my brother's muder I had a phobia of clowns and would never eat candy again.

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