Chapter 6

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~^~^Spirit's pov~^~^

"Spirit if I were you I would get my ass out of here before things get ugly." Hoodie said to me. I ran from the room and tripped over something black and red. Before I hit the ground someone caught me. "You should be a little more careful you could have injured yourself even more," I looked to see it was Laughing who caught me. I scrambled out of his arms, god clowns scare the shit out of me. "T-thank you for helping me," dam it I'm stuttering, "I'm j-just g-going to leave now." I ran away from him, i was stopped by a boy, who who looked about 12 years old, in a link outfit. Hum I didn't read his story yet. "Oh hi there pretty girl, how come I haven't seen you around before," the boy asked seductively. Ok I'm officially creeped out by him. "First don't even think about trying get with and do me, second I have no clue who you ever are," I flatly told him.

"Spirit, this is BEN feel free to kick his ass if he either hits on you too much or bugs the living shit out of you," said Laughing Jack. Is he starting to follow me. "Um thanks and I'm sorry but I'm terrified of clowns especially monochrome ones, ever since my older brother was murdered by a monochrome clown almost nine years ago," I said to him.

~^~^LJ's pov~^~^

Wait I think I remember her and her brother. "When pop goes the weasel song played before your brother died did you sing along to it,"she nodded, "were you and him also walking through a park when it happened," one more nod. Well shit the monochrome clown she's talking about is me, funny how I wasn't able to find her once I finished playing and stuffing him with candy. "Wait the clown was you," she shook with fear before running away to her room. Hoodie came out seeing her run from me and BEN. "What the hell did you two do to Spirit?!" He questioned us, "I come out of slender's office after calming Valentine down to find Spirit shaking in fear in front of you two then she ran away so what happened?" Woah why is he so pissy about her. "She remembered me from when I killed her older brother and she's terrified of monochrome clown because of me," I explained. Hoodie turned to BEN for his explanation, causing BEN to sighed. "All I did was try to flirt her and harshly turned me down," he told Hoodie. He chuckled at BEN's answer making BEN angry. "That doesn't surprise me, you hit on women too strongly and in the few days that I've known her she's way out of your league," Hoodie explained to BEN

~^~^Spirit's pov~^~^

I was sitting on my bed with a pillow on my knees and I was curled up crying. I can't believe I'll be living with not only my one true fear but the person who murdered my brother. As i felt my cheeks become wet I realized I had begun to cry. *KNOCK KNOCK* drying off my face I went to my door to se who it was. "Spirit hey I wanna apologize for scaring you earlier I was just very overwhelmed be slender's story.......... hey have you been crying," asked Valentine. She was completely fine now and back in her normal outfit. "Um, n-no I'm completely fine.......I just................miss my foster parents,"I lied. She seemed to pick up on the lie. "How about we take a walk through the woods so we can chat and so you can calm down also I can't think of a better way to celebrate our birthday then to be together," Valentine suggested. That sounds like an awesome idea but all I could do was nod.

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