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Kira PoV

We have two years of relationship. The most beautiful two years of my life. Even if we encountered difficulties, we overcame them well.

Baba is the one who showed me that true love exists. At first, there was no connection between the two of us. We were like two strangers.

Because of my mistake, the two of us got the chance to meet. And now you wonder what mistake I made. Well, by mistake I broke a valuable vase and I ended up being sold. I know, what happened sounds clichè. But now, that I met Baba I am happy that did happen. I know that it doesn't sound right but that's what I feel. Anyway, back to the story, I was bought by my boss, Mr. Ichinomiya. He is the one who started doing this illegal stuff. But he has a good reason, why he does this. He wants to find informations about his sister. When I started to work in this hotel, I was scared of him. Because he was cold and mean. But after he saved me, I completely changed my opinion about him ane the guys as well.

So, Mr.Ichinomiya gave me 5 minutes to think who buys me. I tried to act tought, to not show them how scared I am. I even threatened them, that I am going to call the police. I know I was naive but I couldn't let them think they could do whatever they want with me. I am a human after all, not an object. Of course, it was in vain all I did. The police and mafia helps Mr.Ichinomiya in illegal affairs. So, I had no choice and I started to get used with what happened. I didn't wanted to die after all.

The first months with Baba, were a challange for me. He put me, throught a lot. It wasn't easy for me to gain his trust or his attention. He kept leaving me alone because he wanted to have some fun. By fun I mean hanging out with a lot of women. I tried my best, to not let all what he did or said to me to hurt me. Unfortunately for me, I had to deal with women that were jealous that I was together with Baba. I felt so lonely. Even if, I did had Chisato and Sakiko by my side. I couldn't tell them what was going on with my life. But in the end, I started to stop letting everybody to do whatever they want with me and I took some attitude.


"Listen to me when I am talking to you!" I said that to him and he stopped moving.

I don't care, how he will react. I don't care what will happen with my life after I will finish to say what I had been keep holding in my heart and mind. I am so tired and angry at the same time. I keep doing my best to not let all what did happen to get me and he doesn't give a damn about it.

All his attention was on me. I took a deep breath and I started to speak.

"I know you don't like that I invaded your private life. I really understand how you feel and I am sorry. But try to understand me as well. Give me a chance. To show you that... I am not as bad as you think. I am trying my best Baba, I really do. I know you are doing all this to make me hate you and leave you. But these tricks are not working on me. I know, you need someone to understand you, but you are too afraid that you are going to mess up and hurt that person... All I want is you to be happy."

After I finished talking. I tried to control my heart. Because it was beating so fast. It's not easy for me to, express in words all I feel and think. But I am happy that I did that. I feel like I'm a free person. That I am not locked to my cage anymore.

He is looking right into my eyes. I take a step back. The way he look at me, it gives me a feeling I hadn't had before. I don't know, how I should call the feeling I am having. All I can tell you is that, I feel like I am a different person now. In a good way.

"You really surprised me Kira. You are the first woman, that were honest with me. You should have done that earlier." He said that and smile to me. This time, his smile isn't fake is real.

"...You aren't mad?"

"Of course not."He comes closer to me and hugs me. He is the first person, in my life that doesn't stop me to say what I feel and think. The feeling I didn't know how was called. Now I know. It's called happiness.

~End of the flashback~

From that day, I started to be myself. I wasn't afraid anymore of saying what I feel or think. I can finally say that I am proud of the way I am.

After some days, we both confessed to each other the way we feel. For the first time, my feelings aren't rejected. It took me some time to find, a good man that truly cares about me and wants me to be a better version of myself. But it was worth it!

Back to the present now...I started to feel sick, I tried my best to not let Baba to worry about my health but he didn't buy the excuse that I am okay.

"We should go to the doctor. I am worried about your health."He said that and give me a worried look.

"You are right..." Being stubborn won't get me anywhere.

We start to change our clothes and go right to the doctor.


After I answer to all his questions, he look at me and smile. The atmosphere suddenly changed, in a good way of course. Seeing the doctor smiling, I start to feel relieved.

"Well Mrs.Kira and Mr.Mitsunari congratulations!"

"I-I am pregnant?!"

"Yes, you have been pregnant for 2 months."

"I...am going to be a father!"Said Baba excited by the news.

"I am so happy!" I didn't expected to become this year a mother, but it doesn't matter. I always dreamed to have a child.

After the doctor gave us the news, he recomended me to take good care of myself and to not overwork myself. We thanked him for giving us these news and left the hospital with a smile on our face.

"You heard the doctor, you need to take it easy with work and to rest more."

"Yes yes I know."

"We should go to the supermarket to buy some fruits and vegetable. No! I will go by myself. Let's first go back to the hotel. You need to rest."

"Let me come with you. Pretty please?"I say that and I give him the puppy eyes.

"You need to rest because you didn't get enough sleep this night. Later when you will wake, I will start to prepare the dinner."

It's so cute, to see him treating me so nicely. Well he always, treats me like I am a princess. Even if, I did tell him that he doesn't need to spend much money on me. For me, is enough having him by my side and make me feel loved.

I wonder how our child will be. I say that in my mind and look up at the sky.

                    To be continued

My wife-Baba MitsunariWhere stories live. Discover now