I have gotten more friends well I only have 5 friend. But I still am friends with the two people from before one of them is the closest of all my friend. You would think that everything is all happy go lucky now but believe the stupid 2nd graders. I still believe I am weak and fat and I am a total moron. My mom has a new boyfriend that is so much more nicer than the first one.
But she has told me that I am fat, lonely, an idiot, and she thinks that I am rough because I act all tough around people and most of the time I am but. What nobody nose is that inside my room at 12 am I feel weak and I am in a horrible circle of sadness. I try to seem happy for my friends sake but they have no idea that I hate myself no only just because I and dumb and I am stuck it's mostly because I am weak. My weakness is what got me into this mess. I hate myself for even letting my self fail once I make myself feel like I am the weakest person ever. I do feel like I want die a lot but I am just to weak to do so. I disgust myself. So there you have it you now know why I am depressed. Thank you to all the people who thought I was weak so they could bully me. Thank you because if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have had to change schools so many. If it wasn't for you I would have clean thighs. I hope your proud of your self. For even the things that you thought didn't hurt then kill me inside now. I don't want you the person reading this to pity me I want you to see that if you are reading this for support I want you to know that you are not alone and for though who think they want to die we will all eventually find happiness. We just have to go through the depression to get through it. That's was I think.
There that is my story that is what eats me inside.
That is what is going to make me stronger.
Short Storythis book isn't to get reads or anything this book is here to show the people who think depression is nothing. Well long story short this is my story of becoming depressed.