First Day

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So, My name's Emma. I'm 18. I have long brown curly hair and brown eyes.

It's just been the summer holidays and I'm going to college for the first time. I ran to my car, shielding my face from the pounding rain and I slumped in the seat.

Once I got to college, I hurried into the entrance and signed in. I collected my timetable and all my papers and headed to my class registration. The corridors were fairly quiet, I said the usual, "Hi, how are you?" To anyone who happened to smile at me in the corridor.

I finally reached my class and sat down at an empty seat near the back. The first day always consists of the same thing, teachers blabbering on about the usual rules and introducing pupils and much more information that no-one listens to anyway. In walked the teacher. She had grey, curly hair and dark eyes.

"Sit down please!" She ordered. I remained in my seat. "First of all, welcome! I'm Mrs James. I will be your form teacher for this year. I hope you all had a lovely summer holiday, but now it's back to hard work. If you haven't done already, please collect your timetable. I have them here." She spoke and a few pupils who hadn't got their timetable stood up to collect one.

Just then 2 boys walked in. They both looked exactly the same except one was wearing blue, loose fit jeans with a red t-shirt and converse and the other one was wearing tight, skinny black jeans with a tight fitted white t-shirt paired with some white hi-top trainers. I gazed in amazement. They were incredibly good looking. They both had blonde hair and wonderful blue eyes, as well as a cute grin.

"Excuse me!" I didn't realise I had been daydreaming until Mrs James was waving her hand in front of my face, trying to grab my attention. I diverted my gaze to her face. "Thankyou, Niall here will be sitting next to you in form. I would like you to show him around college this first week please as well." She said and Niall sat down next to me.

The boy sat next to me was one of the 2 boys that walked in earlier. Apparently, his name is Niall. Niall was the boy wearing black tight jeans and a white t-shirt. His smile was beautiful. They were both beautiful.

"Who're you?" He looked at me, his eyes glaring down at me. He was much taller than me. I couldn't help but notice that he had an Irish accent.

"I'm Emma. And you're Niall?" I asked.

"Yes, so you'll be showing me around then?" He grinned, adding a cheeky wink. I blushed.

"I guess so. Who's that?" I asked, pointing to the other boy that he walked in with.

"That's Shaun. He's my twin." He smiled. I nodded and continued listening to the teacher. Niall pulled out his phone.

"Oh, you're not allowed phones on during class." I whispered to him.

"Ahh, so you're a good girl are you? You follow by the rules?" He spoke slowly, his accent strong. I huffed and pulled my phone out of my bag trying to prove I wasn't a good girl... Even though I know I am. And anyone close to me knows I am.

Just then, strong arms snatched my phone out of my arms. I looked up, shocked. It was Niall. He was typing something into his phone whilst looking at my phone. I leant over him, trying to grab it off him. I failed. I leant further over and managed to get my phone back, after he was satisfied with whatever he was getting from my phone. I glanced at my phone. A text. From... Niall<3

Great, so he's added my number to his phone. Inside I am actually really happy, but I'm not giving him what he wants just yet. He isn't winning without a fight.

"Emma! You know you're not allowed phones in class!" Mrs James bellowed. I looked down, ashamed. "Detention! Detention will be in here at 5pm! You are expected to attend please!" She continued. I sighed, grabbing my detention slip. I heard Niall snigger. I gave him a glare.

Luckily, the bell for class started to ring. I picked up my bags and papers and walked to the door.

"Emma, you have to show me around!" Niall shouted, loud enough so that Mrs James could hear. She looked up from her desk.

"Yes, Emma. You must help Niall today." She smiled. Niall grabbed his bag and ran to me. I glared at him and walked out of the classroom. He followed behind me, watching me. I nervously walked ahead.

"Emma, we have English. The English room is here, look, it says 'English' on the door..." He smirked. I stared at him in anger, but when his lips twitched into a laugh, I couldn't help but smile. I tried to force my smile away. He frustrates me, but I'm attracted to him. I've never fallen for a bad boy...

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