1 Day To Go

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It's Friday. Tomorrow is Niall's big fight. I was on my way to college, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was cloudless. It was a beautiful morning.

I hurried into registration, aware that all eyes diverted onto me. I was 10 minutes late into registration.

"Where were you?" Mrs James asked me, curiously.

"I, I had to help the cleaner carry her things in..." I lied. The class stared at me. I never used to lie, not until I met Niall. He's a bad influence on me, but that won't change my feelings. I've never fallen for someone so quickly.

"Ok, hurry up and sit down!" She demanded. I quickly walked to my seat and sunk into the chair next to Niall. He was watching me.

"Why are you really this late, Emma?" He smirked. I blushed.

"I didn't hear the alarm." I whispered, embarrassed. He chuckled. I heard his phone vibrate in his pocket but I chose to ignore it, I didn't want another detention.

Registration slowly went by and it was time for lessons. I hurried out of the class, Niall followed behind me.


It was finally lunch time.

"Are you sitting with us?" I heard a familiar Irish accent say from behind me.

"Erm, sorry, if you don't mind, I'm going to sit with Mollie and the girls." I sighed and walked away to their table.

"I'm sorry Emma, but you can't sit here." Mollie spoke, barely looking at me.

"Oh. Here then?" I mumbled.

"No. This table is full." She said bluntly. I sighed and walked away.

"I guess I'm sitting with you guys then." I sighed and sat with Niall and Shaun. The table was silent.

"So, Emma. Are you watching Niall in the match tomorrow?" Shaun asked me, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I am." I half smiled. Niall looked up from his lunch. I didn't want to watch Niall get hurt.

"What's wrong Emma?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter." I mumbled. All I heard in my mind was Mollie saying, "Stay away from them. Especially him. He's bad for you. He's nothing but trouble. Do you know what he does?" How did she know of the Horan Twins?

"Emma?" I heard Niall say, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"Did you hear anything of what I've just said to you?" He asked.

"No, sorry." I spoke.

"Ok, tomorrow night, Shaun and I will pick you up from your house at 6pm, the match starts at 8. We should be home before midnight." He said.

"Ok, I'll make sure I'm ready." I smiled, trying to put a brave face on.


After school, I hurried home. I attempted to get all my homework done tonight so that I didn't have to do any tomorrow.

"Emma, dinner is nearly ready!" Mum called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok, I'm on my way!" I shouted. I finished my last piece of homework and ran down the stairs. I was greeted by a parcel on the table.

"What's this?" I asked Mum.

"I'm not sure, It arrived earlier and I forgot to tell you. It's addressed to you." She smiled.

"Oh..." I said, puzzled. I held the parcel in my hand and took it upstairs. I pulled open the box as soon as I shut my door. It was from Alice, she is one of my friends but she lives in America. I opened the box to reveal a picture frame and a picture of me and her when we first met and became friends. I smiled in amusement.

"Hurry up Emma, food is ready!" Mum said and I ran downstairs, leaving the gift on the bed.

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