This Is Halloween:: A Note A Day

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THERE WAS ALWAYS a chill on Halloween nights. Wind whistled through the trees, leaves blowing, waving, falling. Kids screaming, running ahead of their parents.

Theodore always had a strong dislike for this holiday.

This was besides the fact that he got candy, of course. When he was younger, he would always grab all of the Reese's that the house offered. As well as the skittles, so he could trade with Malcolm. Malcolm loved skittles.

Now on Halloween, Theodore loved to just sneak a Reese's from his mom's candy bowl and head to bed early. Try and get as much sleep as he could.

This year, however.

When Charlie asked him to hand out candy at the bookstore, Teddy had to try and contain his slight amusement on the phone. He hadn't done something special for Halloween in a while. Not since...

Malcolm and Shane were going too, apparently. They wouldn't tell Tedd— er, Theodore, what they were going to dress up as (for Charlotte had forced them to wear a costume instead of Theodore's much-loved jeans and a band t-shirt). Charlie wouldn't tell him what costume she planned for herself, either.

Halloween was tonight, and he was a little lost. Costumes were not his specialty, not his specialty at all. Should he do scary? Book-related? Movie character? TV character?

Or maybe he would just go as a nerd — AKA: himself.

God. Why was he worked up about this? Why was he always so worked up about things when Charlotte was involved?

Off to the store, apparently. The things he did for that girl.

Teddy sighed and grabbed his keys from the hook, yelling to his mother that he'd be back.

This is Halloween, he thought wearily.


SHANE HAD ALWAYS loved Halloween.

The two C's: Candy and Costumes. He loved to pick out the most unheard of, unusual, flabbergasting costumes he could.

One year, Shane could recall that he went as the Beast in Beauty and the Beast, while his sister was Belle. Another year, he went as a contestant for American Idol. He had a big-ole' number slapped to his chest and he brought along a microphone, too. When people opened their doors, he began to sing them This is Halloween from that creepy Tim Burton movie. It was awesome. Then, recently, he went as Ferris Bueler. So basically — Shane rocked at Halloween costumes. And Halloween, in general. If anyone could get the greatest amount of candy, it would be him.

When Malcolm told Shane they were passing out candy, Shane wasn't disappointed, per say. He loved Charlotte. But it wasn't his ideal Halloween. He hated kids, and kids who begged were the worst. But his love for Charlotte overruled his disgust for the tiny mutants.

He had already planned out his costume. Costume-planning was a skill only a selected few had received upon their birth on this planet. And he was one of those people (not to brag).

Shane refused to tell anyone his costume. It was sacred.

He began to suit up.

This is Halloween, he thought giddily.


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