Chapter 2

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A/N The picture  of Marco, 

"wake her up!"someone whispered-shouted.

I tried to open my eyes but the bright light made me close them, however i tried to open them again but slower than before.My eyes got used to the bright light, when i was able to see without any blurry ,i saw the ceiling of the car, I then realized i was laying on the back seats of Dylan's car.


That voice.... shit , i groaned in annoyance that was Marco, i sat up in the car and look ahead of me .There he was standing in his glory, Marco freaking Andersen. He was wearing black polo shirt, it looked amazingly good on him, it clutched to his upper body like second skin and i could see his muscles and his gorgeous six pack.I think i stared at him for too long because when i looked back on his face he had that stupid smirk that made girls weak in the knees, however i sobered when i saw that annoying smirk because it's so annoying he is not my type ,I repeated in my head, he isn't my type... . but his abs are definitely my type,

OH GOD shut up !!! i mentally screamed in my head.
"I want to have mate" my inner wolf whined. I know how sad she is and to be honest so i am but i can't go around world and find him because of what had happened in the past. I can't risk my life, my parents are dead my pack is dead i'm the only one that remember about those amazing people, about the cute pups running around and playing in the pack house, their lovely smiles and giggles. I unconsciously smiled at the thoughts about my old pack, and then the imagines of the fight flashed in my mind and i instantly cringe at the images of blood covered grass and people from my pack.

. 'Hey bebe" Marco's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked at him and saw that on his lips there was big smile. I smiled back because even though he's annoying a-hole he was nothing but nice to me all the time. I sometimes wished for him to be a mean douche bag to me because then i would have a reason to ignore him and be mean to him.

"Hey loser" i playfully said to him while i was getting out of the car.He smiled cheekily at me and put his arms around me giving me a bear hug.I tried to break free but my attempts went down the drain.

'i might be a loser but i'm your loser, babe" he said playfully, he finally stopped hugging me, he stepped away from me and put his arm on my shoulders bringing me back to his warmth.

"In your dreams" I scoff ,and walked off to Dylan who was trying to put up the tent. Key word is trying because it didn't look good, everything was scattered around the ground.
"Do you need help with it ?" I asked, i'm pretty good at putting up tents because me any my friends from my old pack used to sleep outside of the pack house , just to look at the stars it was so much fun i remember the pillow fights in the tent and our loud laugh.At the thought of my old friends my heart started to hurt and my eyes welled up with tears.
No I can't cry right now' i told myself , i have to be strong. I tried to blink the tears away .Just as my tears stopped i quickly smiled and looked at Dylan who was looking for something on the ground.
"No i'm fine but thanks though" He answered but he sounded quite annoyed.

"It's fine i can do it,i know how to do it" I told him , i know guys have huge ego and he will get offended but i don't care, he should have thought about taking the instruction with him if he didn't know how to put up the tent.
"No , i can do it by myself" He is really annoyed right now but who cares.
" Yeah, but it will take you at least two days until you figure out how to put it up" I said, i really do like him but he allowed Marco to come so a small damage on his ego should make as even

"Fine " He got up and went to Amelia, they are such a cute couple. He kissed her and hugged her, they are so sweet sometimes

"I sigh , i wish my mate would be here.
'but he's not and he never will be ,because you don't want to look for him' My wolf said to me, maybe she's right. But i just can't leave everything in here and look for my mate by myself, i'm a rouge ,packs will kill me if i would enter their territory,but right now i have more important things to do ,for example I have to put this tent up.

after ten minutes the tent finally looked like a tent.
"I'm done "i said when Dylan, Amelia and Marco came to see the tent.
"b-but it only took you ten minutes" Dylan looked so surprised, it was really amusing seeing him so confused and surprised, i was trying to hold back the giggles but failed miserably. I started to giggle and Marco and Amelia joined in. Dylan stood there and looked at us as we were crazy and escaped from mental asylum and it made us laugh. My stomach started to hurt but i kept the smile on my face i wiped the tears that escaped from my eyes , i saw Marco and Amelia doing the same thing.
" Are you done ? " Dylan asked glaring at us playfully
"Yeah baby " Amelia said and kissed him on the lips ,she took his hand and they went to get something from the car.

I was left alone with Marco.
'so what do you want to do ? "he asked me .

"Maybe we should look for some wood and get a fire started so we can start roasting the marshmallows"

"Okay " We separated and walked in the opposite direction.I was walking near our place but i didn't see much wood that would be good for fire , so i went deeper in the forest but i made sure to see the tent. After walking for 5 minutes i turned to see if i can still see the tent but i didn't , the sun started to lower it self and the trees gave beautiful shadows , it looked magnificent.

i sat on the ground and started to breath the air, i missed it. as a wolf we love nature and forests and i avoided them as hard as i could because forest may be beautiful in the light but it can be dangerous at night when the light is gone .

"It's time to go back" I sigh and stood up, i was going to turn when i heard a branch broke , and then i smelled it , the smell of sandalwood and rain hit my nostrils i moan at the smell, it was amazing. From the behind the tree a guy in just a basketball shorts came out. I gasped , looked at his eyes and my iris Wolf jumps in my head and howls from happiness.

"Mate" I and the stranger said in the same time.   


A/N Hey everyone i'm so sorry that i didn't add anything in a while but i have so much to do now because i have my exams next year but i will try to add chapters more often.  

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