Suicide Awareness

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The following is for suicide awareness. THIS IS INSPIRED BY ERICAS SOUNDWAVE, For a better affect, Play the song linked. Thank you. You are special.


You feel week. Everyday is worse and worse and worse.

People at school might not harass you, Or completely tear you apart, But they do not treat you like you see them treat others.

All you want is to be noticed.

To be loved.

You are done, Everyday you screw things up.

So you think. You think the world would be a blast without you.

You cause grief for EVERYONE. You think to yourself... Why am I even here?

Today is the day, You think to yourself.

 It was not different than many others... But It was a horrible day, Like all of the other ones.

 You get the rope, And the chair. You tie it to the ceiling.

You begin to write a note, and you tear up. You write to your family, your friends, and then your mother and father.

I am so sorry. I love you so much. I get put through so much each day. I cannot bare it anymore. My time is here.

You see your tears hit the paper, You begin to sob. You are on the floor, This is what everyone does before this moment right?

You think about all of your good memories. All the things someone has ever said that has lifted your spirit.

You say sorry. You scream I AM SO SORRY. You stand up, And before you know it.





What have you done? Do you realize how many people you have affected? Remember that girl who called you that mean word once...

She thinks it is all of her fault.

She cuts herself everynight now.

Imagine your mother walking into your room and seeing her little angel hung on a rope with no air or heartbeat.

She breaks down. She screams but no one hears her. She calls the police. But what are they to do?

You are gone, there is NOTHING they can do.

Your father gets informed while he is having an amazing day. He rushes to wherever you are. He cries, You have never seen your dad cry. He was such a tough man, But now. he is one of the weakest.

This is all of your fault.

You know all of those people who you thought hated you?

They cry every night now wishing they could just take it back... Bring you back.

Because they miss you.

Your teachers and school all have the kids sign a card for you, but that will not matter. You are gone.

EVERYTHING the future has planned for you is gone. Done.  There is nothing that could bring it back.

Your mom and dad never even thought of reading the paper they saw on the desk.

Your mother comes in your room to make your bed nice, and clean up your room. She breaks down.

Your mom is on the urge of completely killing themselves as well. They wish they knew. They tried, But they did not succeed.

Did you have siblings? If so... Your little sister cries herself to bed each night wishing she could just LOOK at her sissy again.

There is nothing she can do to bring you back.

She wishes she could just hold you.

She can not.

your dad was one of the strongest man you have ever known, not anymore. He is weak. He feels weak. He feels pathetic

He feels as if everything he is done failed.

Because his baby is gone.

His everything is gone over some school drama?

Some darn problems that could of been fixed if someone cared.

Because everyday he feels as if everything he has done does not matter

He has no purpose in life, His number one priority rather you realized it or not, is gone.

Years go by.

They can never be strong as they were before.

You would think they got over it huh?

No, they never did, and they NEVER will.

They miss their little angel.

They wish they could say something to bring you back.

They thought weak of themselves, They are lousy.

Is this what you wanted?

You are gone. How would you know?

How would you begin to THINK about all of the people you have killed on the inside.

All the people you have given suicidal thoughts.

No one cares about you?

Think about it, Atleast 2 people on this Earth would DIE for you.



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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2013 ⏰

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Suicide AwarenessWhere stories live. Discover now