Chapter 1

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Luke - Hey wake up. You have to train Jessica.

Jessica - Give me 5 more minutes.

I groan and cover my face with a white soft blanket and I go back to sleep.

Luke takes the blanket away and I was starting to get cold.

I get up and Luke throws the blanket on my bed and then he leaves my room.

I take a shower and I wrap a towel around my hair, I put on dark blue jeans, a white shirt long sleeve.

I tie my hair in a high pony tail and I put on the uniform that we had to wear during training.

I went outside and just went walking around and Luke was doing something weird.

I looked at him weird and I walk to him and he was near the water and so I kicked him on his back and he fell in the water and I was laughing.

Luke gets mad so he didn't train me today so I just trained by myself and we had a war well not like a real war like as in practicing for a war.

With only swords and I was in blue team, and Anabeth would always hate me and beat me and so today I set up something sneaky from where she usually goes to hide.

I get ready and so does my team and the other team. And they say the words and we start to attack.

I just ran somewhere and since I don't join this stupid wars I just run on a tree but then a guy was in front of me and so then I just kept running and running and running.

Until he got tired but eventually he cut me with the sword on my side of my stomach since the sword was quite sharp. I then got the guy back and he ran away.

I just climbed the highest tree and I see Anabeth running towards something.

I jump off grab a tree branch and then I run on the thickest branch and then I jump off with a perfect landing.

I grab my sword and then Anabeth and I were going against each other now.

My side was bleeding a little too much but I don't care.

Anabeth - Well somebody got a scratch.

She said with a non caring voice. And I fake smile and I cut her on the arm. And so we had been sword fighting for quite a while.

And eventually red team won. But I distracted her and right when everything was over I went to my room walking and weak. I covered the cut from my side and I went to go eat.

*** Jessica POV ***

I heard about a new demigod in the nursery. I had to go to the nursery so I can get some things to clean and patch up my cut that the stupid guy did.

I then went to my room and Grover bumps into me and I drop my things.

I grab my things and Grover had got the little bag with a needle, thread, and a bandage white patch. 

Grover - Sorry...

Jessica - It's Jessica and it's ok Grover. Just watch where you are going ok?

I chuckle and smile at him. And he walks with me. He then hands me the things when Anabeth calls him.

He see's the blood on my shirt and he asks me to go to the nursery.

Jessica - No thank you.

Grover - Jessica go to the nursery.

Jessica Castellan // Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now