Task one: Knowledge

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I don't want to open my eyes. Someone is pacing back and forth and two people are whispering to each other in hushed voices. I could just make out what they are saying.

"How long have we been here?" a woman asks.

Another woman answers her, "I don't know Lana. We woke up five minutes ago but we could have been here for hours, maybe days."

"I want to go home Sienna." the first woman spoke again a small voice.

"Shh Lana they'll hear," the second cautions her then she spoke louder "When is she going to wake up?"

"I don't know, soon I hope." a familiar voice replies.

It was Addison, she is here too but where is here? The last thing I remember is getting my baby brother Dylan ready for church. I was helping him tie his shoes when everything went black, then I was here. Laying on a hard surface with my cheek presses against cold stone.

"Carrie can you hear me, please open your eyes." Addie whispers leaning over my body.

I feel a pang of guilt at the worry in her voice. I've told her a hundred times not to worry about me. My eyelids flutter and Addie's image swims into focus.

"Addie?" I prop myself up on my elbows.

Relief floods her delicate features, "You're awake!" she exclaims helping me to my feet and embracing me.

I scold myself for making her worry. She is the opposite of me in every way. Addie has bright green eyes which stand out from her long, pencil straight hair the colour of flames whereas I have wavy black hair and blue eyes. Addie's pretty and innocent face perfectly matches her sweet manner, she doesn't have a bad bone in her body; my plain, sharp face is the physical representation of how I feel about most things.

"Finally." A young man in his early twenties stops pacing. He's tall and slender with short curly brown hair and a hard face.

"Now that we're all awake," he sneers "we can get this started can't we."

"There's no need for that young man," an elderly man pipes up from the corner, he's supporting himself on a thin wooden cane "I seem to recall that you arrived after I did and were out of it a good deal longer than this young lady." He gestures to me.

The younger man scowls and crosses his arms over his chest but says nothing. I quickly survey my surroundings. We're in a small, dank chamber; the only light came filtering through the circular metal grate in the ceiling. A heavy steel door is the only exit and it's shut fast. There are six of us in total: Addie, me, the man, the old man and two young women who look as if they could be sisters that are sat at the base of the far wall. They both have wavy blonde hair, one wore it loose while the other has tied back and has her arm draped protectively over her sister's shoulders.

"What's your name my love?" the old man asks kindly hobbling towards us.

I clutch Addie to me holding her tightly.

"I'm Carina." I answer curtly.

"That's a very pretty name," the old man smiles "I'm Edmond, this is Bailie just ignore him he's a grouch." He motions to the young man who's still scowling.

"And this is... oh my, I'm dreadfully sorry which one's which?"

"I'm Sienna," says the older woman "this is Lana."

Lana offers me a friendly smile which I don't return.

"Where are we?" I ask turning back to Edmond.

"Are you that simple?" Bailie cuts in smirking "We've been selected by The Faceless you stupid girl, it's time for us to prove ourselves."

"Now you're really trying my patience!" Edmond bursts out distinctly ruffled.

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