Task two: Speed

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Everyone stares at the title Edmond had disappeared through. When he looked into my eyes I felt like a little girl again, like I could never understand what he was feeling but he didn't blame me for it, he'd looked at me with an old sorrow and pity in his bright eyes.

"Why would he do that?" He knew the answer." Sienna asks me.

I hold on to Addie's shaking form and tear my eyes from the tile which has now replaced itself.

"His wife's dead," my throat felt tight so I coughed to clear it "they never had children, he had no one left."

Sienna looks hard at me then embraces her sister who is crying silently.

"Well this is very touching but can we please move on?" Bailie asks as if he's becoming bored, he looks completely unfazed by what we'd just seen.

Heartless bastard.

"Come on we can't help him." I whisper to Addie.

Addie nods and wipes her steaming eyes on her sleeve. We begin following the passage again. It never changes, the stone corridors again and again. We come to another fork in the road and turn right this time but we reach a dead end so have to double back.

Addie's eyes are still brimming with tears and she can't help but let out a choked sob every few seconds. Sienna and Lana crane their necks to look at her with concern. They slow so they are walking beside us. Lana puts a comforting arm around Addie's shoulders.

"It'll be okay, we'll get out of this." She says reassuringly.

"I'm just sad about Edmond." Addie chokes out between sobs.

"There's nothing we can do." Sienna says but not unkindly.

"I know I just can't help it." Addie gasps.

Sienna exchanges worried looks with me as her sister tries to comfort Addie.

"Who's waiting for you two?" she asks.

Addie calms herself down enough to answer her, "M-my mum and dad."

"My mum and brother," I add "what about you?"

Sienna shakes her head, "I've just got Lana. We used to have a little brother but when he was eleven he was chosen by The Faceless."

Another shiver rippled through my body. Eleven. Lana gave a sniff, "Oakley was always so happy, I hate to think of him wandering around in here."

"So don't," I tell her "remember him as he was before he was taken."

"Have you ever lost anyone to The Faceless?" Sienna asks somewhat stiffly.

My expression hardens, "My dad two years ago." I answer flatly.

Sienna softens, "I'm sorry,"

"Don't be," I interrupt her bitterly "we weren't exactly close."

She eyes me confused for a moment but seems to decide not to press the subject.

"Can you lot walk any slower?" Bailie calls form ahead of us.

"What the hell's his problem?" I snap.

"I don't know but the sooner we get out of here, the sooner I never have to see him again," Sienna says eyeing Bailie's back "One more snide comment and I swear I'm going to sock him right on his pointy noise."

"I'll hold if you punch." I offer.

Sienna grins at me and maybe it was because we were plotting to attack our fellow Taken or maybe we were hysterical from the whole horrible situation but we started laughing.

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