Another Came

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A few months have passed since Roselyn and Lucy had become friends. Time flies. AS Lucy and Roselyn were talking and playing they heard something Roselyn said "Wait did you hear that. It sounded like a scratching on the front door." They had no idea what it was. Lucy said "Should we see what it is?" Roselyn just shrugged and said "Sure." They were frightened. What was on the other side of that door a rabid dog, a raccoon, a bear, they didn't know. As Lucy opened the door she saw a boy. Roselyn said "Eric is that you? What happened to you? You're a ghost." Lucy was confused and said "Um should I know him Roselyn?" So Roselyn said "Oh this is Eric we were friends before I died. But what happened to you Eric?" Eric scratched the back of his neck and said " I-I was murdered in a car crash. I was sitting in the car and me and my mom got hit. The windows broke a piece of glass hit my heart." Roselyn nearly cried when she heard about how he died. Eric kind of shrugged it off. "It's okay though my parents didn't really care for me all that much." That made Roselyn even more sad. "Well at least you have me and Lucy to be with now." Lucy though that in some weird way Roselyn was trying to flirt with Eric. Lucy kind of laughed and said "Excuse me but I need to talk to Roselyn." Lucy shut the door and said "What is up with you you're, like, flirting with him." Roselyn looked a little confused but said "I wasn't flirting, but even if I was I think I might like him."

"Wait you might like him. But Roselyn, not trying to be mean, but your a ghost you can't exactly have feelings. Can you?" Roseyn kind of laughed "Technically no ghosts can't have feeling but I guess spending so much time with you made me a little more human, so I guess I do. Maybe if Eric and I are in love I can finally move on from this world." Lucy was angry and confused. She thought to herself 'Wait, Roselyn can't move on from this world. She is my best friend. What will I do without her? OH great my best friend is a ghost. That will be fun to tell people if they ask. "Oh hey Lucy so who's your best friend." Oh it's no one only a ghost. I mean I have other friends but Roselyn is the best.' Lucy never said anything she just opened the door again.

When Lucy opened the door Eric said "Oh yeah Rose, Happy Birthday" Lucy didn't know it was Roselyn's birthday. "Thanks Eric, but my birthday isn't until tomorrow." Lucy was shocked. "Wait Roselyn, your birthday is tomorrow?" Roselyn had that I'm-sorry-I-didn't-tell-you look on her face. "Yeah. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to make a big deal out of it. Plus it is your birthday too and you're actually alive to celebrate it." Lucy's mom shouted "LUCY WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?" Lucy answered back with "NO ONE MOM AND I'M GOING TO THE LIBRARY." Lucy said to Roselyn "So, I'll let you and Eric catch up. I am going to go to the library." Roselyn said "Okay have fun." Then Eric went inside and Lucy left.

When she got to the library she asked "Do you have any ghost legends?" The librarian pointed her to a bookshelf. She looked up if a ghost could turn human again and it said on their 16th birthday if they kissed another ghost, they truly loved, they would be human but they had to do it at exactly the time they were born or they would both be trapped in the human world forever.

Lucy checked the book out and ran home. She told Roselyn that she had to kiss Eric when she was born and they would both be human again. Also that she and Eric could live in the shed outback after Lucy fixed it up.

Sorry its kind of short.

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