May 29, 2013 6:30pm

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So yesterday my mom rescued a duck and we named him Lucky. He was very cute and cuddly.  He also had the cuttest chirp. But guess what? He died because his mom flew away the day we rescued him. He was about a week old and he was buried near the water in our backyard. My mom feels really bad because she thinks its her fault because she didn't know how to take care of Lucky, but I don't blame her. I blame the mom. But, I'm happy we all got to know him for more than an hour.

Well today was like Friday the 13th to me. Everything sucked today. We had a song selection thing and the teacher played my request, which was One Direction, and then everyone looked at me and said stuff like, "Wow. You listen to gay music." and "Ow! My ears!". My friend Annabelle stuck up for me and said, "People have different tastes in music. Deal with it." At least I don't listen to garbagey rap and dubstep. Like seriously.

Then in 3rd period (aka science), the teacher was blocking the notes and once she moved from the board, she erased the notes. So instead of writing them all in the 50 minutes we had in class, I only had 10 minutes to COPY the notes from Annabelle. 4th period wasn't bad, but I hated 5th the most. In art, two boys (lets say their names are Jack and John) were being really annoying and bugging me about 1st period. They were saying 1 out of 25 people liked One Direction, and John was making fun of me for liking them. Jack was usually nice to me, but he was acting like John. But whatever, they don't really bug me....well today. And John was touching my painting with his oily hands. I hate when people touch good art!!!!!

At the YMCA, I went to a vending machine and put in a dollar for a 90 cent snack, and the snack didn't fall, and the YMCA don't have a key for the vending machine. My mom had to put her name and number on a list to get her money back when the guy with the key came. When I got home, I tried to sharpen my pencil like a normal person, and the place where the shavings went opened. So I had to clean it up. Then when I put my snack in the oven, it got burnt. 

And, I didn't know that Lucky was dead until I noticed my mom was lying. She told me that my grandpa brought him to the resue place, but when she said to my grandpa, "Thanks for bringing the duck to the resue team.", he looked at her like she was crazy. I wonder what else could happen. I mean maybe the computer will crash when I'm typing my script for Reading class. It's kinda stormy so maybe it will happen. But, I can always tell you tommorow. Oh and I have to study for a test on notes I took today in science. Bye, I guess. (BTW I'm listening to Thrift Shop now.)

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