Chapter One

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  It was a crisp, autumn morning and Rock Lee was sweating his heart out.
  "If I can not complete 800 push-ups, I will do 1,000 sit-ups!" He said enthusiastically to himself. He had been training for hours and knew that he should take a break. He was extremely tired and deeply desired to head into town for breakfast. However, he had heard the Kazekage would be in Konoha on official business today... And he was apprehensive to see him.
  He'd heard that the young Kazekage was a different person now, but after almost being killed by him, he still felt a bit nervous around the red-haired boy.
   Lee sighed at himself, disappointed. He was not the type of person to run from things. And he was certainly not the type of person to hold a grudge. He stood up determinedly. "I will finish my training after breakfast!" He shouted to the trees energetically. He began walking briskly from the forest towards the ramen shop.
  He had walked less than four steps into town when he heard a cool voice addressing him from the right.
  "Hello, Lee."
   He turned slowly and met sea foam colored eyes. "Hello Gaara-kun..." He said lightly, while giving a warm smile. "I heard that you would be in the village. How wonderful to see you!"
  The other set of eyes watched him thoughtfully. "Yes," he agreed "I'm here on official business today."
  Lee relaxed as the Kazekage began to make small talk. This didn't seem as awkward as he had feared and he was feeling rather well about the situation.
  "Were you going to get breakfast?" The younger boy questioned as he heard a distinctive growl come from the brown-eyed jounin.
  "Yes I was," he chuckled awkwardly at himself, embarrassed. "It seems I have trained too much today and made myself hungry."
  "You can accompany me to the Ichiraku ramen shop, I was on my way to satiate my hunger."
  The dark haired boy couldn't help but feel touched by the offer. He hastily nodded. "Yes," he agreed "It would be very youthful to spend some time with an old friend." He gave Gaara a warm smile that reached his eyes as he began to lead the way to the ramen shop.
  As they walked Lee began to feel a bit uncomfortable in the silence. He wanted to say something but still wasn't quite sure what to talk about with this quiet Kazekage.
   As Lee began to start panicking, wondering what  to make conversation about, Gaara spoke up. "Naruto is doing quite well. He is as loud and obnoxious as he has always been." He added a bit irritably.
  Lee felt himself breathe a breath of relief at the light hearted complaint. "Yes," he agreed energetically "Naruto is full of youth! He is always joking and having great fun." He looked over at the pale boy and noticed an expression of slight confusion.
  The jounin opened his mouth to ask what ailed the younger boy, but was cut off by a slight tug on his forearm.
  He stopped, looking down at the pale hand holding his arm. "What is it Gaara-kun?" He asked in confusion. He felt a little puzzled at the idea of the Kazekage making physical contact with him, knowing that this boy very rarely touched anyone.
   "You were going to run into that woman," he stated flatly as he gestured to the woman walking past them. "Also, we're here."
   Lee looked up and sure enough saw the sign to the ramen shop. He grinned at Gaara in embarrassment. "Well of course we are here," he said as he pulled back the curtain and sat down. "What would you like to eat, Gaara-kun?" He questioned thoughtfully.
  "I like the miso ramen," he answered quietly.
  Lee beamed at him. "That is what I prefer as well!" He moved his eyes over to Ichiraku's back. "Two bowls of miso ramen sir," he stated in a slightly louder voice.
  "You got it."
  They sat silently as they waited for their food. Lee felt a bit uncomfortable about the silence but was also grateful for it. He was curious about the young Kazekage and used this time to study him from the corner of his eye. He observed him carefully and slowly in order to keep from being noticed. He watched as Gaara quickly moved a few fingers through his hair to relieve an itch. The fingers caught his attention and he watched as the hand came down gracefully. The fingers were pale and slender, with short clean nails. 'His skin looks so soft' Lee thought to himself. But before he realized his thought he was interrupted.
   "Here's your ramen." A steaming bowl was placed in front of him and his mouth watered at the delicious smell. He hadn't realized just how hungry he had been. He pulled his chopsticks apart and looked over to see the other boy doing the same. "Eat up Gaara-kun!" He said cheerfully before gathering some noodles onto his chopsticks and sticking them in he's mouth gracelessly. The red-haired boy inserted the noodles into his mouth as well, though in a more dignified manner.
  They ate in silence. A comfortable silence. Lee felt content as he ate with this boy next to him. He usually ate by himself, so having someone eating beside him was a warm feeling. He finished his meal quickly, in a hungry fashion and made small talk with Gaara while he waited for him to conclude his meal.
  "I have been training more than usual lately. There aren't a lot of missions around so I am feeling bored quite often," he said this last part softly, before finding his will to stay positive. "But that is alright! Gai sensei always says that training can only make me stronger."
   "That meddlesome teacher?" Gaara muttered after he took his last bite.
   Lee felt a little twinge of anger rise up inside him. "Please do not say that," he said as more of a statement than a request. "Gai sensei is an excellent teacher and I never could have gotten this strong without him. And would not strive to become stronger if I had not met him."
   Gaara glanced down, looking thoughtful. Lee looked away awkwardly when suddenly he felt a hand pat him against the top of his shoulder. He looked up in surprise to see aqua green eyes staring into his face. "You're right," the red head said softly "I apologize."
  Lee stared at the face blankly, taken aback. He had not expected Gaara to understand, let alone apologize. He opened his mouth and closed it soundlessly, at a loss for words. This boy was most definitely nothing like the one he had known years ago.
   The Kazekage's voice broke him from his thoughtful trance, "I have to get back to the Hokage." He released his hand from Lee's shoulder and instead forced some coins into his hand. "I will pay for this let it be a treat from myself to you." He pulled away and stood to leave. Lee was about to object when Gaara's face moved to look upon him and their eyes locked once again. "I'm glad I ran into you, Lee," he said with a hint of the smallest smile on his lips and then departed from the ramen stand.
  Lee just sat with the cool autumn breeze blowing through his hair, staring in confusion after the sand ninja.

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