Chapter Eleven

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   "Lee-kun!" He heard the familiar voice of the pink haired girl as he exited his apartment with the Kazekage.
   "Ah! Sakura-chan!" He called back, turning to see pink hair flowing back from green eyes as she ran toward him.
   He briefly felt guilt creep into the pit of his stomach. He had promised to love this girl. And he thought he had. But now he knew better, and somehow it felt like yet another betrayal to a friend.
   Her body collided harshly with his own as she threw herself in for a hug. He hugged her back much more softly, as she was nearly crushing all the bones in his body. A bright smile graced her features when she pulled away, looking up at him.
   "You look great!" She shouted happily, giving him a hard smack on the back before turning her attention to Gaara. "Hello, Kazekage-sama," she stated politely with a small bow of her head.
   He nodded back slightly, saying nothing in response. He'd never cared much for the girl. She was particularly loud and had a temper so short it rivaled Tsunade's. Lee was loud too, but that felt different somehow.
    "How do you like Suna so far?" She asked, turning her attention back to her friend once again.
   The jounnin offered a large smile before responding. "It is wonderful!" He cheered happily. "The heat is great for training, the ninja are excellent, and the missions are fun! It is very youthful!" He finished with a smile.
   "Ah, Lee, you never change," she replied with a sweet smiled and soft eyes while allowing her hand to rest on his arm a moment.
    Gaara couldn't help but notice how extremely familiar the two were with each other. He'd heard of Lee's love for the Haruno girl during the Chunnin Exams. But that was years ago, surely it wasn't still present? Then again, maybe it was. The leaf ninja had always been strong willed and loyal. That sat strangely with the Kazekage for reasons unknown.
   He followed them as they walked on. Catching up, telling stories, and who knows what else. He wasn't particularly paying attention to the conversations as they changed from one subject to the next. The words escaped him, but he certainly noticed every time the two reached out and touched one another. A light punch here, a hand on the shoulder there. Why was that necessary?
    Maybe he was just feeling entitled, but he truly didn't see the need for that foolish ninja to touch anyone else. He reached out to Gaara when he needed his attention, or when he felt the need to comfort him or whatever it was that possessed him to touch the Kazekage. And he had become accustomed to that most of the time. He had slowly adjusted to the feel of Lee's hand upon him. And that was fine. Because it was upon him. But why did it bother him so much to see those same casual interactions between the leaf and some one else?
   His nonexistent brows furrowed in confusion as he followed behind the two. He'd never felt this before. It was like anger and sadness at the same time. Emotions were still mostly foreign to him, but if he had to describe it that's what he'd say. He felt the need to tear Lee from the situation and take him somewhere else. Somewhere isolated.
   Why? It wasn't dangerous for him here. And even if it was, Gaara trusted the other young man to hold his own. So what was this intense urge? What was this uncomfortable feeling?
   So lost in his thoughts the redhead didn't realize the green beast before him had come to a complete stop, and he stumbled into his back clumsily.
    "Gaara-kun?" The brown eyed boy asked, quizzically, reaching out to place his hand on the smaller shoulder.
   "What?" Gaara snapped, recoiling from the touch instantly. Why was he reaching out now? Why didn't he extend his hand to the girl next to him instead?
   Lee's face twisted into and expression of hurt for less than a second before it was over shadowed with concern. "Are you okay?" He asked tentatively. It was really strange for the Kazekage to react to his touch like that, now a days. Not to mention the pale face had the strangest manner about it right now.
   "I'm fine," he answered curtly, averting his gaze. "I'm annoyed," he said quite honestly before turning on his heel. "I'm leaving."
   "Ah, Gaara-kun!" He called after the red headed young man, who made no sign of stopping. He turned to Sakura in confusion.
    "I don't know," she said worriedly, watching as the Kazekage walked away quickly. That was very strange. Wait... Did she just get called annoying?
   "I have to follow him," the leaf said, calling her from her thoughts. He received an equally annoyed and perplexed expression in return. "I will catch up later! I promise!" He called over his shoulder as he begin jogging after his friend.
   Gaara could hear the unsteady pace of footsteps behind him and they were not welcome. Why was this idiot always following him whenever he got into a sour mood? Did he have no sense? Always coming with the intention to 'cheer him up'. What a ridiculous notion.
   "Gaara-kun!" He called as he began to catch up. The Kazekage's steps were as steady and evenly paced as ever, so how was he managing to walk so quickly? "Gaara-kun," he said sternly, grabbing the cream colored arm, in an attempt to turn him around.
   Yanking his arm free rigorously, the red head spun around. "Don't touch me," he reciprocated in what seemed to be his usual manner. But there was a certain hint of bitterness and anger behind his words, and he practically spat them onto the ground.
   Lee stopped, concern creeping into his face. "Why? What's wrong?" He asked, in brazen worry. Even in his worst mood Gaara didn't act this way toward him. Not anymore. What had he done? Things were fine only a moment ago.
   "I don't know," the young man replied, his eyes seeming to go somewhere far away for a moment as his hands crept up to find his red locks. "I'm angry. I... I'm very angry with you," he said, finally looking up to reveal the epitome of confusion.
   Upon seeing Lee's face he felt the anger in his heart fueled, and he continued, his voice becoming louder and louder.
   "Why do you touch me so familiarly? Why do you touch her so? Or do you reach out to every person equally?" He asked, not allowing enough time for Lee to answer a question before starting the next one. "I don't understand!" He yelled in frustration, his eyes falling downward once again.
   "Gaara..." Lee trailed off. What was he to say? He touched people he was close to. What was wrong with that? Did Gaara dislike the fact that he felt so close to him? Had he really just been a nuisance? He'd been hearing his whole life how annoying he was, so it wouldn't particularly be a surprise. There were plenty of people who disliked him. And now Gaara was another one.
   "Don't..." The voice summoned him from the depths of himself, and he looked up questioningly. "Don't touch other people," the Kazekage finished, looking up, his green eyes locking onto Lee's own. Was it just his imagination, or did that sound more like a plea than a command?

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