O'Jezebel( Immoral Path)

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I now call upon the damsel named Jezebel

O' Jezebel O' Jezebel, I call upon thy name as of a ritual

I forsee that I lie with Thee

I shall prophecise our lust for each other from visions

I see thou as a goddess who is indeed sharp

A damsel who shall lie with any man who worship her

A woman who knoweth a poor man's tribulations as well as the rich man's wealth

But my family prophecises woe upon you

They call you my Revelation, and they shall show me the judgement of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters

They speak as if they understand my visions. They say I saw a woman who sat upon a scarlet coloured beast having seven heads and ten horns

They say judgement shall come upon me if I chase the great dragon, serpent, or beast which you sitteth on

Before I departed from such foolishness, my mother spoke to me saying it is easier for me, a camel, to go through the eye of a needle, and shame came across her heart so as the silence that came abroad.

What is my fate if I lie with Thee

I shall never understand

I knoweth that your charm will not always be upon me and your name shall fade from my tounge

O Jezebel O Jezebel

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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