13 , january of 2015
Dear diary:
10:55 pm
Today was one of those days here I can take it anymore , everything around me is self destroying.My friends are not what the same they used to be , some changed doe to the judging of this society that see us as clones , others do something that I unfortunately can't stoop doing , mutilation.
At each day the will to disappear raises at each second that I spend at this thing that you call world .
It was become a nightmare since his death ...He died one year after I thanks to him managed to finally admit to the world that I liked men."I miss you my sweet..."
23 , January of 2015
Dear diary:
6:45 pm
I already have everything planned , I managed to chose the perfect for of reaching peace to my soul that sorrows since you died by my side on the day nineteen of February of two thousand fifteen , the date of my birthday that now is nothing more but a memory stained by your loss.
I ill come to you my love and I ill let the lady death harvest my soul with her death black shycle , like my black heart after your lost.
I have hold the lost of my parents when both of us were little , do you still remember?Your parents raised me as there own kid , there own child almost like I was your brother
They were the only ones that supported our relationship , the ones that helped us and even liked our own style , punk/scene that was a bit crazy sometimes but at same time cute.
It only misses the location , if I don't find a place without anyone I'm gonna do it probably in school right right in front of all people .
"Till dead tear us apart"
19 February of 2015
Dear diary :
It's today that I'm gonna do it , I'm gonna trow myself from the fourth floor when science class is over .
I'm gonna fall from the window right beside your desk where you used to sit and where you would admire the garden fill with tulips ,the same garden where you declared to me , where we shared our first kiss , I huged you so tight and promised to never abandon you , that I would always be by your side forever.
I'm writing now just moments before I took my own life to you.
I have already said goodbye to your parents , the police and firefighters are down there to stoop me from seeing you.
I can't see any other solution so once more I'm gonna break the promise we made and use the dammed razor to reach peace.
Because life without love is no life.

I promise to find you
RomanceThis is the inglish translation to my original story called : "Prometo te encontrar" a portuguese story . (later will edit this)