"Today we need you help to steal a diamond from the space bank about 10 clicks away," Blood Hood announced. I looked at Madison then she had a I'm going to tell the police face. Then I took her to another room,"Listen, I know it sounds wrong to do but I'll come back and tell you why we are stealing it." As I enter the room they have a plan layed out on a big desk. As I examined the plan I asked,"Why do we need to steal a diamond from the space bank anyways? Blood Hood looks at his partners and then me,"Variks needs his diamond back. See Variks was knocked out by some Hive at a late night party. He said the last thing he remember is a giant figure, referred to as Master, laughing." It all came to Oryx. Oryx is the leader of the greatest darkness including the Enderbeing. I go back to look at the plan. This will never work. It's too guns blazing for just five people. I turn to them,"Ok you guus need to rethink this plan entirely. We don't have the fire power." I kept rantw as they pulled they're hoods off. Then I froze, stopped dead in my tracks. I looked in awe,"Earth Apprentice, Gabbie, Air and Wind Apprentice, Noah, and the Gunsliger of the Galaxy, Mason." As I stood motionless, Madison walked in," Hey, what is taking you so long?" As I'm frozen in time, Madison looks around and sees all three of them. She turns and looks at me,"Are these the people with other powers?" I nod my head,"Yeah, and we are stealing the diamond that was stolen from Variks by some Hive." As we all calm down, we get in a ship and go to the bank. It was a long ride and full of card playing and betting ancient relics. Of course they were in the same group, but it was fun anyways. When we got there I saw a bunch of weird aliens and different beings. The plan was for me to go distract the teller. I walk up, about to ask a question, then two gaurds step in front of me,"Space licence, now." At this point I was about to put my sword through their heads and make a run for it."Here you go," I hand them my license. They hand it back to me and u go to the teller. I try to ask a question but he shouts,"Blood, Blood, get them! They're the ones that Oryx warned us about." I run back to the group, but the gaurds had locked down our ship. Madison had a shield around her and the others. I run into the bubble,"Well that won't work we got to get out of here." I charge up then rush out of the buble with my sword drawn. Striking down everyone in my way. Finally there are two guards at our ship. They trhow up a protective bubble. I jump into the sky and come down on them with my sword. Breaking through their sheild, I kill them both in swift motions."Come on!" I yell and get everyone in the ship. We take off and go back to Variks base. Mason looks at me,"Maybe we should try my plan."