just lay with me (coach!louis and father!harry)

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SUMMARY: the one in which Louis is the coach of Harry's daughter's football team and Harry likes Louis' bum. One day there's a parent football game and Louis, just maybe, starts hitting on Harry and, just maybe, Harry gives in.

Written by; givemesumaurgravy on ao3

A/N: I absolutely love this smut. I've read it so many times!!!

Harry leaves his bakery in the capable hands of his co-owner, Niall, to go pick up his daughter Darcy from school and take her to football practice, just like he does every day.

Harry waits for Darcy to come out of the elementary school she attends and he smiles as he watches her run out of the building with her classmates. She always had been a friendly girl, never letting the tension of her parents' break up get the better of her. Maybe that was because she was probably too young to really understand it.

Darcy ran up to the car and climbed in the backseat, seeing as the passenger seat was nowhere for a seven year old who could barely see over the dash.

"How was class today?" Harry asks as he turns the car on again and watches his daughter in the rearview mirror.

"Good. I got to pet a puppy! Josie brought him in for show and tell and we all got to play with him! His name is Jaws but he's actually not scary at all he's yellow and falls over when he runs. Josie said he pees on the carpet when he gets too excited about something so Ms. Waters said that show and tell was over even though we still had ten more minutes."

Harry smiles at his daughter's rambling, wondering where she got the ability to talk so fast because he always talks at a snail's pace like every word is thought out and calculated.

"Are you excited for practice, Darcy?" Harry asks as he watches Darcy's face light up.

"I am!" Darcy replies, bouncing in her seat. "Did you know we have a match this weekend? You're coming right?"

"Of course I am, I wouldn't miss it for the world, sweetie." Harry tells her and Darcy beams.

They spend the rest of the ride in comfortable silence, Harry sneaking peaks at his daughter in the mirror and Darcy humming quietly to herself as she peers out the window, her green eyes wide as she takes in the city, even though it's the same route they take everyday.

Harry pulls up to the fields where the Junior League practices and he puts the car in park. Harry gets out of the car and fetches Darcy's bag from the boot as Darcy hops out and meets him behind the car.

"Daddy, are you going to watch me practice today?" Darcy asks, her shiny green eyes wide and pleading.

As she smiles up at Harry, two perfect dimples pop out on her cheeks and Harry can't say no to that.

"Sure, sweetie." Harry says, patting her on the head to smooth out her chocolate curls.

Darcy attacks Harry's lower half with a hug that is driven by her full body weight, almost knocking Harry off his balance. Harry wraps his arms around her and then Darcy's breaking away and dragging Harry to the fields, barely giving him time to lock the car.

"Coach Louis, Couch Louis! Look! Look who's coming to practice!" Darcy says excitedly as she pulls Harry onto the pitch.

Now, Harry's never actually met Louis Tomlinson, the coach of his daughter's team because he usually has to get right back to work when he drops her off and this weekend is her first game so he just never gotten around to more than sending her coach an email if she can't make it to practice or whatnot.

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