Chapter Fifthteen: Aran

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            The fragile, comatose body of my mate was sprawled neatly across the queen sized bed in our room. Her face was extremely pallid, her lips had lost their usual pink color and her lively brown hair was now dull and dead. The heart monitor emmitted a steady beeping noise, thank the goddess, I thought. If she had died I don't know what I would have done.

         3 days, I fisted my hands in my hair tugging on it in frustration. It had been three days since my mate fell unconscious from being stabbed and deprived of water. I had run into the woods out of pure anger, after that ridiculous argument Forest and I had. When I heard her scream, I traced her scent back to her as fast as I could, only to find her barely hanging on.

         There had been so much blood. She was nearly drenched in it. I thought I was going to lose her, right then and there. When she told me to take her to the ocean, I almost didn't. I couldn't figure out why my mate would want to go to the beach as she lay in my arms bleeding to death. Nonetheless I couldn't run fast enough to get there. When I placed her in the water, she was nearly unconscious. I begged her to stay awake, but instead she blacked out. Surprisingly the water did help. I watched as it healed most of her body, but that was all that happened, and I couldn't understand the logistics of it.

       As far as I knew my mate was supposed to he human, but how could a human be healed by water? It was a question that taunted and teased me every day, just like the petite body of my mate did as she lay there in our bed. The doctor said it should only take a week max for her body to recover and gain consciousness. But a week was too long for me, hell, I could barely handle 3 days.

        Every night I prayed to the goddess out there, that my beautiful mate would wake up. There were so many things I needed to say to her. The guilt of leaving her tear stained face after our argument had been slowly eating my insides since it happened. Maybe Forest was hiding something potentially life altering, and maybe my dad was right about her, but I knew her, and I knew that why ever she was hiding what she was, it wasn't to cause any harm. I shouldn't have pushed her like I did. I should have just respected her decision and waited until she was ready to tell me. I was just scared that whatever she was hiding from me would leave me uninformed of potential dangers toward her. And that is exactly what happened 3 days ago.

          I knew that whatever or rather, whoever, had attacked her was not a wolf. In fact I had no clue what they were, I only knew that whoever they were, they were long gone. I couldn't sense them on my territory or even anywhere near my territory which was good.....or was it? I shook my head clearing my thoughts. Forest still hadn't waken up and I still hadn't slept in 3 days. Of course there was pack business I needed to attend to, like the issue with our neighboring pack, the Silver Moons, who wanted neutral territory between us, or the fact that my pack still didn't know they had a Luna, at least not officially, but I couldn't bring myself to leave Forest alone in the house or anywhere for that matter.

        A knock on the door caused me to lift my head up, I sensed Thea before she peeked her head in and slowly came inside, closing the door behind her. I threw my head back into my hands.

       "Aran," I felt the soft sisterly touch of Thea's hand on my shoulder.

         "Aran," she repeated, this time I lifted my head up from my hands. I looked into her soft eyes, and I saw how much she cared about be in that moment.

          "She's going to be fine, okay? You need to stop worrying, get some sleep, eat something. And take a shower," she wrinkled her nose, cracking a playful smile. I couldn't even smile back at her.

           "How do you know? What if she never wakes up? What if I lose her?" My voice cracked at the end. Thea sat down next to me before speaking,

            "You have to believe in her. Forest is a strong girl, she can make it through this I know she can. But you have to have faith in her, okay? Remember that time when Mom was attacked by rogues, and you had to tell Dad the same thing; to be strong for her. Mom woke up didn't she? Don't worry too much, Forest will wake up. She will." I realized Thea was right, I had to have faith in my mate, and I had to be there for her. I couldn't just think about the what ifs, I had to take care of myself and do the right thing, because that's what Forest would want.

           "Now go take a shower, you big doofus. You smell like a troll," She laughed. I cracked a genuine smile and her smile brightened. "There's the big bro I know and love!" She ruffled my hair as if she were the older sibling and then pulled me up and shoved me out of the room.

          "Hey!" I shouted playfully.

            "Go clean yourself up! Don't you think Forest would want to wake up to a clean smelling mate rather than a troll?" She shouted back.

            I shook my head grumbling a few unfriendly words at her.

            "Hey that's not nice! I can hear you, you little shit." She shouted back. I laughed as I made my way to the bathroom across the hall.

              I really did need a shower.


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HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I know Halloween was yesterday but whatever I still wanted to say it. Anyway so how did you guys like that chapter? I wanted to give you a little bit of Aran's pov cause you know I'm just cool like that ;)
So tell me if you guys liked his pov so that I could maybe write more chapters from his pov

Thanks for reading!


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