Chapter 21

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The call to meet the queen in the garden was quite unexpected, and it absolutely terrified me. The last time this had happened, Madame Goustav arrived, and she had brought about my pain and misery.

Lessons with her seemed ten times more boing now that I had seen how much fun I could have. Most days, they lasted from breakfast to dinner with few breaks in between.

So, as I walked up to the garden, I took a deep breath to calm myself. Sure enough, the rest of the girls were gathered around the queen, looking up at her with adoring eyes.

“All right, ladies, is everyone here?” There was a mumble of consensus and she continued. “Good, good. As everyone knows, there are only three months in the competition, and my son is going to have to pick a wife soon.”

Something in the pit of my stomach twisted painfully as she said that, but I ignored it. “So, to help him assess your social abilities, we are going to be hosting a grand ball a week from today!” she announced.

The girls immediately set out in frantic chatter. “I won’t be ready!” one girl protested.

“I don’t have a dress!” another gasped.

“Enough, ladies!” Queen Madelyn raised her voice just a tad and everyone went silent. “You all will be required to attend. No exceptions. I will expect you to look your best and keep in mind this is the most important event of the competition. You are dismissed.”

It hadn’t really phased me much there was a ball. I had expected something like this for a while now, and so I was not surprised. With a sigh, I began to exit the garden and go back to my lesson.

“Danielle! Will you stay behind just a moment?” she called, making me turn around. I slowly walked past the last few girls exiting, who all gave me venomous looks except Jasmine.

“Yes, Queen Madelyn?” I greeted as I walked up.

“Do you think you could get out of your lessons today?” she requested. “I would love to have tea.”

“Of course,” I replied. “Just send someone to my governess letting her know.”

She sent me a pleasant smile before ordering a servant to do exactly that. Gesturing for me to follow her, she made her way to her private chambers, where a tea had already been set up.

“Are you excited for the ball?” she asked. It wasn’t really a pressuring question, but more curious.

“Not really,” I answered truthfully. “I’ll be standing around, terrified, the entire time.”

“Surely not the entire time,” she chided. “Some of the most important people in Eleyen, or even Armia for that matter, will be there.”

“I know,” I replied. “That’s why I’ll be terrified.” She laughed, filling the room with a light, tinkling noise. I smiled, pleased I had made her laugh.

“Well, don’t worry. You’ve managed with me,” she pointed out with a small smile. “Besides, I can get someone to… distract Madame Goustav so you won’t be as nervous.”

“That would be wonderful,” I sighed with relief.

“What do you plan on wearing?” she asked, suddenly looking very enthusiastic. She took a sip of her tea, watching me with questioning eyes.

“I have no idea,” I responded.

“Well, you need to look wonderful. Even if you don’t plan on being the princess, I can tell you’ll be important person, and first impressions are everything,” she advised. “So how is Gabriel?” she swiftly changed the topic.

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