Chapter 1

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Arriving at our new house was exciting. I jumped out of the car grabbed my belongings and ran straight to the door. Most people are annoyed when they have to move house, but I am different. I think of it more as an adventure than a chore.
My dad unlocked the door with his key and I ran inside. "IT'S SO BIG!" I exclaimed with excitement. "I have no idea why you like moving house, leaving all your friends behind," my brother Zach said in a glum voice with earphones in.
He was such a buzzkill. "It's an adventure not a chore," I explained. Zach just shook his head and walked away, probably looking for his room so he can shut out the whole wide world.
"I think it's great that your loving this adventure," mum said with a happy smile. "I'm gonna go check out my room and start unpacking," I said and walked upstairs dragging my suitcases behind me.
The next day I went down stairs and saw mum so I decided this was the right time to ask if she could drive me and Alice to an In Stereo meet and greet. "Mum can I ask you something?" "of course what's wrong sweetheart?"mum asked in a concerned voice. "Well you know how I'm obsessed with In Stereo," mum nodded "well I wanna go to a meet and greet today with Alice, you know my friend that moved here last year." "Yeah sure honey go get ready I'll drive youse."
I took a long shower then blow dried and straightened my hair. I decided to keep it down today. I dressed in light blue ripped jeans, a blue flowy tank top and my converse.
When we got to the meet and greet mum left.
After waiting for ages it was finally our turn so we walked up to the bench where they were sitting. My heart was racing, I couldn't believe it I was going to get them to sign my phone and get a selfie with them.
I walked over to Chris we got a selfie and he signed my phone case. Same thing happened with Ethan but with Jakob it was different. "Hey gorgeous what's your name," he asked. Omg did he just call me gorgeous. "Jade," I replied practically unable to speak.
We got a selfie and he signed my phone case. Afterwards he asked if I was knew to Sydney. "Yeah I moved here yesterday and tomorrow I am starting at Sydney high school," I replied staring in his eyes as I spoke. "Oh great I go to that school, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," he said as I walked off.
The next day I woke up and got ready really quickly because it was school and I was gonna walk with Jakob.
Just as I finished getting ready I heard a knock at the door so I raced down the stairs. I opened the door to see Jakob looking as hot as ever. "Hello you ready to go," he asked. "Yep lets go," I said walking out the door.
When we arrived at school we went to talk to Ethan and Chris. "Oh hey Jade, that's your name right from the meet and greet?" Ethan asked. "Yes that's me it's nice to see you boys again but I'm gonna go talk to my friend Alice," I said. "Is she the other girl from the meet and greet?,"" Ethan asked, "yes" I responded. "Umm can I talk to you?" Ethan asked. "Yes," I said. We walked away from the others and he said that he liked Alice and if I could help get them to together because she was soo pretty. "Sure, I've got a plan I think could work," I said. "Thankyou Thankyou," Ethan replied.
After school I walked up the stairs and took a long hot shower. I then got dressed into my cute and fluffy hello kitty pjs with matching slippers. I walked down stairs and I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Jakob standing there. Not in his pyjamas. Oops this is embarrassing! "I like your pjs," Jakob said looking down at the ground. "Hu what's up?" I asked. "Well I sorta came here to umm ask you out, so will you go out with me?" Aww he looked so nervous.
"Of course I'll go out with you," I replied. "Come on, I'll show you around," I said. Showing him around was actually showing him to my room.
When we got there we sat on my bed and I told him about Ethan likening Alice and I asked him for a plan. "Maybe you could organise a sleepover with Ethan, Alice, Chris, Lucy (Chris's gf) and obviously me and you," he aid with a smirk "and then we could all run off except for Ethan and Alice and say "we won't come out until they kiss and they have to video it so we know there not lying," He suggested. "Ok I'll text em and ask if tonight since it's Friday," I said. "That works for me, I'll go get my stuff be back soon," he said.
Everyone agreed so at the moment Jakob, Ethan and Alice were here. There was a knock so I ran down to get it and saw Chris and Lucy.
Later that night we put our plan into action they kissed and then it turned out that Alice liked Ethan so they started dating and we all started cheering. Oh shit I forget that they don't know that me and Jakob were dating. I guess I should tell them. "I'm an idiot for forgetting this but me and Jakob forgot to tell you that we are going out," the cheering got louder!
Later that night we were playing truth or dare and Lucy dared me to kiss Jakob and say we love each other. We kissed and it was beautiful. I said I loved him and he said it back. This really was the best night.

Jakob's pov

Jade got dared to kiss me and I couldn't be happier. We kissed and said we loved each other. That's when Ethan yelled out "Jake, is your couple name," he said looking at me and Jade. "Aww I love that," she said. "Me too," I said. That's when we had a moment just sitting there looking at each other. We both forgot the others were here. We kissed and it was the most passionate, amazing kiss ever. Sparks flew. We stopped kissing and looked over to see everyone in awe. Probably jealous of our relationship. Me and Jade fell asleep in each other's arms and I swear it was the best night ever.

Hope you like it! I am sought of new to this and it's still a bit confusing so I'm sorry if it's not that good but I have had fun writing this chapter and it's definitely not over. Also the chapters will get longer further into the book.
Ella XX

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