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I look through the window to see Violetta and Diego laughing together. For a moment, it looks like they're meant to be together, a relationship that makes me cringe. He leans in to kiss her, but Violetta pulls away. This makes me relieved. He gets up and leaves. Once he has gone, I knock at the large, timber door. A whole mix of emotions fill me; Happiness, fright, nervousness and longing.
"Coming!" A voice yells. A few moment later, I hear scurrying and the door unlock. The voice opens the door. A frazzled Angie looks at me in confusion. Her hair is lightly tied up, her face is tired and she is standing as if she just ran a marathon.

"Leon? What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I'm here to see Violetta." I answer truthfully.

"Oh, well she is.. unavailable right now." I can see she is lying.

"I saw her with Diego only minutes ago." I protest. I'm not going out without a fight.
At last she finally gives ups an lets me in.

"Vilu, there's someone here to see you." She calls.

"Good luck." She whispers to me. I see now that the reason that she is so tired is because she was trying to comfort Violetta. A crying, sad, lonely, used Violetta.

She looks as beautiful as ever, with her pink jacket and matching denim skirt. Her hair resting on her shoulders in gold tipped ringlets. Her walk as delicate as a butterfly. As she turns to me, and smiles that smile that is hypnotising. At that moment, we both forgot about the heartbreak, until she realises.

"If you're here to say sorry, forget about it." She says as she walks over to me.

"Please Violetta, please listen to me. I, I can explain." I plead with her.

"Why would I waste more of my time listening to your lies, you can't just do that anymore, Leon!" She yells. I see the fire in her eyes.

"I just came to tell you that my plane leaves tomorrow." Her face falls, and I can see she is trying to hold back tears.

"Well, I hope you have fun." She responds blandly. I look at her, disappointed that she didn't say anything else.

"I'll, I'll leave now." I get the signal that she wants me to leave.

"Oh, and Vilu-" I can't finish before she pulls me into an embrace. I feel her arms rest around my shoulders and her cheek sitting on my chest. At first I'm confused, but then I realise and I hold her. I hold her so tight. I never want to let go. Just as she pulls away, I pull her back and kiss her. She jumps back and shakes her head.

"No Leon, no more mind games, you can't trick me anymore."

"I'm not trying to. I love you, Violetta!" I'm telling the honest truth. She turns and walks away, signalling me to leave. I failed. I lost my only chance at getting her back. Maybe this really is goodbye.

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