Chapter 4 - gravaties

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Aaron Parker

Present Day

Goliad City, Texas

        "You sure it was Napoleon who was at Waterloo?" I ask John.

        "I don't know, just write him down," replied John.

        "For fuck sakes, take this seriously," I almost yell at John. "Bella, do you know?"

        "Hmm?" she said as if she was previously in deep thought. "Oh sorry, I was just thinking."

        "About me no doubt? Right?" laughed John. "Anyway who cares about Napoleon he lost the war. If you get your ass kicked that many times you don't even deserve to be remembered. Also, look at this huge ass list of countries he was fighting. No wonder he lost, no one even liked him."

I look over and see Bella suddenly jerk up in her seat. It was as if she was just slapped.

        "Bella, you alright?" I ask.

        "What? Why you ask? I'm fine," she replied.

There is an awkward silence. I take the worksheet from John and start jotting down answers. After a few minutes, Bella takes it and adds a few sentences to my answer. John is just sitting back screwing around on his phone.     I reach out to complete the last answer but as I do, Bella's hand comes out too. Our hands brush. She draws back and blushes. John puts down his phone and sits up.

    "So Belle ... I can call you that, right? You ever had a boyfriend?" he asks.

This time Bella does not blush. Her eyes go big and her skin turns pale. She looks down at the ground and fiddles with her pencil.

    "Yeah once," she whispers. John leans in expecting to hear more but as Bella remains silent he decides to continue the conversation.

    "Well same here with Aaron," he jokes. "He's even still a virgin."

    "Man what the fuck," I shout at John. I punch him in the shoulder. He falls back on the floor laughing. I look back to see Bella looking intently at me.

    "Not really his fault though. Gina was a huge bitch," he hurriedly explains. "Cheated on him and shit."

    "My last girlfriend, Gina, she was ... difficult, but I did love her," I explain. "But she did not cheat. I will not be named a cuckold, John."

    "Cuckold? What the fuck, is this 18th century England?" laughs John. He goes back to his phone leaving Bella and me to finish up our work. I look at Bella and our eyes meet. She looks away then nods.

Charlotte Crawford (Bella Jordans) POV

    Alpha and Beta. That's what John and Aaron are respectively. If Aaron had more balls to speak that girl ... Gina? .... wouldn't have cheated on him or whatever. But I can't say that out loud. I can't even tell John to fuck off out loud. I gotta stay in character and keep my eyes open as Restler said. Gotta play up the good girl for every inch she is worth.

    "So Bella you free tonight?" asks John.

        Oh god he is about to ask me out. Please I  am too tired for this right now. Wait this might actually work in my favor. John Pherson has the best gravitas in the entire school.

    "Yeah, got nothing planned, why?" asked Charlotte. She curled and bit her lip gently. Her back arched forward a bit and she fluttered her eyelashes at John.

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