Thanks for not killing me (lesbian love story)

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*Well this is my first story I'm posting for people to read so yeah, I hope you like it, and any type of feedback is very welcome.*

I was slowly rocking back and forth on my old but well maintained tire swing in a clearing behind my house, I had my earphones in and they were blaring dubstep while I watched the sunrise bringing a warm yellow tint into the grey sky. The sun rose steadily past the huge pine trees making the snow on them glitter like diamonds, it was beautiful I sighed contentedly then got up to stretch but suddenly I felt that under my heavy coat that i was getting goosebumps and a chill ran through my body I scanned my surroundings "...H-hello is anyone there?" I asked not seeing anybody but then in the corner of my eye I saw something black so I spun in that direction then I gasped it was a large wolf with thick shiny fur that was such a deep shade of black but what really made me gasp was it's eyes they were electric blue and made me feel like my very soul was being pierced by them 'holy shit stay calm, stay calm' I thought so I made sure my body that hadn't moved since gasping stayed that way 'maybe it will go away' I slowed my breathing or tried to but my heartbeat was racing the wolf took a step forward I sharply took in air then the wolf jerked it's head to the inner woods and with one last glance to me it bounded away "oh thank god" I said out loud while letting the breath I was holding out.

So your probably wondering who "I" am well to answer your question i am a 15 year old girl and my name is Lillian Blood, as for my looks I have pale blond hair that almost looks white it reaches my midsection and is naturally straight. My eyes are blue-hazel with a ring of almost yellow around my pupil my skin is pale but thats common here, I stand 5'7 and I'm pretty skinny but my curves aren't that much to brag about, people say I have a pretty face and I won't argue that but enough about that now I'll get on with telling you what happened after that wolf stepped into my life...

Thanks for not killing me (lesbian love story)Where stories live. Discover now