Chapter 4

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"Wake up!"

I rolled over and moaned under the sheet. My body felt sore and I couldn't feel my legs. Over sleeping never really made me feel rested, only more tired.

"We're going out for breakfast" Mandy tugged on the spread, but I tightened my grip.

"Go without me" I spoke into my pillow "I'm not hungry"

"Is it because of what happened last night?" Madison asked sympathetically

"What happened last night?" I heard Mandy ask her

"She was making out with Christian and then Jack started embarrassing her"

"I wasn't embarrassed!" I yelled under the covers.

"What! you guys are a thing now? you be working 'em double shifts!" Mandy laughed

"What are you saying? English, please!" Madison scold her

"Go! Leave! you guys are disturbing my sleep"

Just then, a small knock came from the door.

"Morning ladies. You guys ready?" I heard as Jack's voice entered in the room.

I could hear a few others enter into the room behind him.

"Mia isn't coming" Mandy told them

"Why, what's wrong?" Jack's voice sounded worried.

"Are you really asking that after last night? you completely embarrassed her. You're so obtuse" Madison barked.

"What did I do?" Jack requested.

"You guys go, we'll meet you downstairs" Mandy insisted.

"I'll stay with her" Christian injected.

His voice made my heart skip a beat. I bit my lip under the spread. Would Chris really stay with me? I wouldn't want him to anyways.

I groaned loudly as I rolled out of bed, ignoring the crowd in my room. As I brushed my teeth, hair, and washed my face, I went back into the room, grabbed my sweatpants and pulled it over my shorts.

"Lets go" I demanded, putting on sandals

"Classy, Mia" Madison rolled her eyes

"What?" I asked confused

"Sweats? Really?"

"We're eating at the hotel, right? Why would I need to dress up?"

I made my way pass them and towards the elevator, without making eye contact.

When we got downstairs, I grabbed eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast.

"You weren't kidding when you said you ate a lot for breakfast" Christian chuckled

I kept my eyes on my food, not wanting to look up. After what happened last night, I don't think I could ever look him in the eyes again. Maybe I was a bit embarrassed. He didn't reject me but he still pulled away. There is a first time for everything, right?

As I focused on my food listening to the conversations around me, I idly wondered how I was going to get out of this situation I was in. Do I pretend the kiss never happened? or do I apologize and agree to stay friends?

I really don't think my heart can handle just being friends. I wanted to be with him but unfortunately, this was reality. All I can do now is ignore him and hope for the best.

As everyone started cleaning up, I got up and dumped my garbage in the trash, putting away the tray. As I followed everyone out of the breakfast hall, I watched as Christian approach me confidently.

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