Chapter 10

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Lauren's POV
"Lauren look bubbles" Chris said looking at laughing when it popped. "Chris look there's more" I pointed at more.

"Lauren the funeral is over we should go home" Camila said to me as I stared deeply into my brothers cold body. "He was so young, Camz" I cried holding his hands. "I know baby I know" Camz said holding my shaking body.

"Lauren...can I sleep with you?" Chris asked we had just watched a scary movie at Camila house. "Come on buddy" I said tiredly opening my arms as he jumped into them.

Memories kept on popping in my head of him,its only been a week since the shooting. Demi hasn't been at school,I have to, I need to. Students there knew he was my brother and I guess making fun of me about my brother crosses a line so they don't really pick on me.

Camila and my other friends have been helping me,specially Camz,she's always holds me when I cry,I never had that before.

"I'm so stupid, Camila" I yelled getting up really fast making her look at me,we were the only one in the building.

"No your not Lauren stop it" Camila raised her voice.

"Yes I am I'm an idiot, why would you even date me? Do you feel sorry for me? Because it can't be because you actually like me. How could you...I'm a monster".

"Lauren your not a monster"

"I'm the one who made him go to school! He had a bad feeling and I didn't believe him" I said crying into her arms as we slowly crouched down.

Camila didn't say anything after that,just held me.

"Happy birthday Lauren,your the best sister every" Chris said in our little room with a present Demi and Selena got him to give to me to. "Awe Chris I love it,I love you" I said picking up a monkey keychain. "I love you too Lauren" Chris said kissing my cheek.
Walking back to the house I now live alone,with no one to share a room with,no one to love,to take care of,to just see.

I laid my head on Chris's pillow crying,not falling asleep. It's been like this for a week already and I still have all his things in the room and his arts and crafts around the room. Even his little teddy bear was still here. I'm still thinking one day he'll walk in the front door with his backpack and lunchbox waving at me and everything would got back to normal. But I'm lying to myself,there was no normal anything. My whole life was to love people and now my parents are gone,Chris is gone the person who was kind of like my parent was Selena and Demi and she's gone and I haven't seen Demi. The next person is...Camila. I can't love her I cant let myself do feel for her. I don't want to lose her.

Authors note
Hey guys I hope you like this chapter
Love you guys

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