Poison Ivy [8]

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The day Willow was officially in our group was a Tuesday, in January; I remember sloshing through the snow across campus, Mila, Kitty and I, Willow in tow. Mila looking from side to side scanning the Quadrangle for teachers, she raised a silver flask and closed her chattering teeth around the top before taking a swig. She handed it to Kitty who repeated the same safety measures before taking a quick swig.

“It’s fucking freezing out here Mr Bigglesworth!” Kitty snorted a giggle her breath freezing in front of her.

“Willow!” came a voice behind us, as we turned around, learning the voice belonged to a girl I had only knew as Jaffa- her real name to me back then was miscellaneous. Willow stepped forward, I stepped out next to her, noticing one of her freshly shaped eye brows rose, and she stiffened slightly.

“Carlin?” she cocked her head to the side “What do you want?” I was surprised at the tone in her voice; it was a cross between boredom and irritation.

Carlin Jaffa looked away; she tucked some hair behind her ear, shivered and I noticed that her knee knocked together. “I was uh…” she looked at me just briefly then at Kitty and Mila Standing behind us. “Can I speak to you for a minute?” she asked, hugging her books tight, I could see the shape of her knuckles through her gloves. Willow followed her gaze to me; I nodded my head in gesture. Allowing her to go and talk to her. As Willow stepped forward her newly styled low-hanging curls bounced as she made her way up to Carlin Jaffa. Willows talking was low and quick, and mostly drowned out by the sound of some passing freshmen, I shot each of them knowing looks and they scattered away in silence with the knowledge that they had just disrupted something important.

I caught a tiny bit of conversation, something about ‘old times’ I rolled my eyes, and stepped back in line with Mila and Kitty, taking the flask out of Mila’s hands, taking a quick sip.

Kitty and Mila nudged me, Kitty held up her wrist at me flashing her guess timepiece in my face the clock read 3:33pm, I sighed “Willow!” I called out “Let’s go” Mila and Kitty turned away and started to head for the student lot, I began to turned away to. Not before yelling “Willow, come on!” at her again. She turned to face me, I could see a cross between urgency and sadness. I nodded in gesture to the other side of the quadrangle which was the direction that we were headed in. I started to walk very slowly, a fresh layer of slowly began to fall, the perfect flakes on snow fell onto the sleeves of my blazer then melted.

“I love snow” said a voice next to me, I looked up to see Willow who had caught up with me. I took a quick peek behind us, Jaffa was looking after us, I could see a sunken expression on her face. Someone ran past her, cutting too close the knocked the books out of her arms and they landed in the sloshy snow.

I smiled, “Now” I said facing her and as we made it to the student lot. “I think you’re ready for your initiation” I linked my arms through hers as we came closer to Kitty’s car. At the time it was a sleek Audi TT that her parents bought her after they lost a bet.

“I told them no sex for a month, the longer they go the crappier car they buy me. They only made it to days 5” Kitty explained as we piled in, I rode shot-gun as always and Mila and Willow froze it out in the backseats. Mila wrapped her arms around herself, and chattered her teeth her purposely “Its freezing back here, ever heard of heating?” she complained “and why does Ivy always get to ride shot-gun”

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