Ch. 2

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Chapter 2

Louis POV

We met at the festival. I ran up to Harry who was standing under a huge tree looking at his phone. I texted him as I watched him. He looked so happy.

To: Hazzabear 

I'm sorry mate. Can't make it.

I felt like I needed to play a joke.

I saw Harry's phone light up in his hand. I hid farther behind a small tree away from him.

Harry's POV

I got a text from Louis! I swiped the unlock key and read his text. I couldn't believe it. He cancelled on me. I looked up and around, because he had done this before and tricked me. I didn't see him anywhere so I figured it was real. The smile on my face quickly turned to a frown because I couldn't spend the day with my best friend. I replied:

To: Boobear

I'll really miss you! I was looking forward to spending the day with you!

I sent it and waited for his reply.

Louis POV

I got a text back and read it. Aw he was actually upset. I looked up and he was gone. I looked around frantically and started backing up. I bumped into someone. I turned and saw a beautiful girl. She had gorgeous Carmel hair and eyes that I could stare at for hours.

"I'm so sorry!" She said. 

"No! It was my fault." I said touching her hand. 

"I kinda bumped into you. Why were you behind this tree?" She giggled. 

"Oh. You know. Checking out the different leaves on this tree." I said leaning against it.  

"Ah." She said turning away. 

"I'm Louis." I managed to say. 

She smiled. I held out my hand and she shook it. 

"Nice to meet you."  

"I have to get going, but I'll see you around?" She asked. 

I nodded and she walked off. I felt something when I touched her hand. It felt...magical. Almost like Harry. HARRY! I completely forgot about him.

I turned around and bumped into someone else. It was Harry.



I grabbed him and hugged him, wrapping my arms around his hard waist.  

"I thought you said you couldn't come?" Harry looked at me confused.  

God is confused face is adorable.

"I was kidding. Haven't you learned yet?" I did poking his nose. 

He smiled and laughed and put his arm around my shoulder.

We entered the fair and went straight to the outdoor roller rink. I went on first and Harry followed. He was having some trouble so I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the center. We looked at each other and spun slowly together. We were alone. This was the moment I dreamed of.

"You should get better at this by now." I winked at Harry. 

"I'm trying! It's too hard!" He laughed, looking down at his feet. I didn't realize how tall and broad he was compared to me. I looked at his dimples forming on the side of his lips and I suddenly felt more attracted to him. He looked up and noticed that I was staring at him.

I looked away quickly and noticed a familiar face. It was Elizabeth Brooks. She was from Modest! and I knew what she was doing. She must have found out Harry and I were together today. She gave me an incredibly angry look and I knew that I needed to drop Harry's hands. I did, even though it tore my up inside. I wanted that moment to last for forever.

"What?" Harry asked, brushing my hair to the side. I gazed into his eyes then motioned my eyes to the side. He understood and turned around, catching glimpse of Elizabeth who was now half way over to us.

We skated off the rink and met her by a food tent.

"What do you two think you are doing?" She asked very angrily. 

"We can't hang out together in public?" Harry yelled. 

"No. Not alone. It will look like something is going on. And we don't want anyone to think you two are...together." She yelled back.

I shuddered at the word together. It was what I always wanted. Did it look like we were?

"Fine, lets go Louis." Harry said grabbing my hand and pulling me to his car. Just then it started raining. I felt the drops of water hit the top of my head. I looked up at Harry and saw his curl bounce as the water hit them. I giggled and shook his hair with my hand.

"Hey!" He laughed. 

"You know, I've never kissed anyone in the rain." I said quietly hoping he didn't hear me. 

"Me either." He said looking down at the ground. I looked at his beautiful eyes and felt the butterflies returning. He stared into mine, occasionally glancing down at my lips. I felt the connection with every breath. He stepped closer and our chests were basically touching. His hair was covering his eyes and all I wanted to do was hug him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and brought my head closer to his. As he leaned forward, I closed my eyes, but was pulled back from him. It was Elizabeth.

"Louis, meet your new girlfriend." He said pointing to a girl behind her. 

"My what?" I asked looking at her with wide eyes. 

"Her name is Calder. Eleanor Calder. Modest! hired her to be your girlfriend so this Larry Stylinson business would be over." She explained. 

"No. I don't want to." I protested. 

"You will, or you're out of the band." She said pointing a finger at Harry. 

"Both of you." 

"Maybe then we could be together." Harry mumbled. 

Elizabeth scowled and brought Eleanor up.

It was the girl from earlier! Elizabeth must have seen me talking to her and grabbed her. 

"Hello again, love." I said, trying to comfort her. She looked upset. 

"I'll get her home. And you boys stay there." Elizabeth said.

Harry and I ran to his car and hopped in.  

"So you have a girlfriend now?" Harry asked sadly. 

"It doesn't mean anything, Haz." I said looking in my lap. 

"I know, but still." He said starting the car.

The car ride home was awkward and silent. How could Elizabeth ruin this for us?! We were having an amazing time and she just came and ruined it!

I got out of the car and headed up to our flat. I turned the key and opened the door. Harry followed and shut the door. I sat on the couch with a sigh. Harry plopped down next to me.

Harry's POV

I love him.

Louis' POV

"I was thinking." I began. 

"Yeah." He said startled. He must have been thinking too. 

"We could always be together in secret. I mean Modest! doesn't have to know and Eleanor won't find out." I said.  

"I don't know." Harry sighed. 

"Please. We can try. I really like you Harry. I love everything about you. I need you in my life and no one is going to stop me from feeling this way." I said grabbing his hand.

Suddenly, I felt lips pressed against mine. My eyes were open wide but his were closed. I closed mine and wrapped my arms around his neck. Harry tilted his head and moved his lips in rhythm with mine. It was the most magical moment of my entire life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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