Season 1 Part 4 Pilot

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Chelsea's POV***

When we got into town we saw a bridge and police cars. The first thing I thought was that we were going to find things out. Dean parked in front of the bridge and got something out of the glove compartment. He got out three badges. This should probably be eventful. We got out of the car and walked up to the scene.

"You boys are so lucky you have me around." I mentioned to them.

"Oh yeah why?" Dean asked.

"Because last I heard men don't really get seduced by other men." Finally we made it up to the car that I noticed had blood on the windows.

"So this kid Troy? He's dating your daughter isn't he?" One of the police men asked another.

"Yeah." He answered.

"How's Amy doing?"

"She's puttin' up missing posters 'round town."

"Fellas had another one like this just last month didn't you?" Dean asked walking up to them.

"And who are you three?"

"Fedral marshals." Dean replied quickly showing the police man his fake badge then hiding it.

"You three are a little young for marshalls."

"Thanks that awfully kind of you."

"Sorry about him. He just has a bit of a temper." I added into the conversation.

"So this victim. You knew him?" Sam asked.

"In a small town like this everybody knows everybody."

"So what's the theory?" I asked.

"To be honest, we don't know."

"That's just the police work I'd expect out of you guys." Then I saw Sam kick Dean in the foot.

"Thank you for your time." Sam said then pulling Dean away. Then we started to leave.

"Why did you have to kick my foot?" Dean asked.

"Why do you have to talk to police like that?"

"Guys no fighting now come on. I'd like to sleep, and not in the backseat of Dean's car." Then I brushed passed them back to the car. When I got back in the car I took my phone out to see if Nick texted me. Nothing. 'He's probably just still on a case' I thought.'What if he's with another girl? What if he's being unfaithful to me? If he is then this woman in white better beat his ass.' I was so worried that I started thinking the worst. I loved Nick and he loved me. I'm just nervous I guess.

When we got into town we started doing research. We were looking at any murders that mighthave happened when Sam thought of a suicide. Then up came an article of a woman who had commited suicide on the bridge where that boy had died. Her name was Constance. Apparently she was heart broken when her children died that she took her own life. With our knowledge we knew there was more to the story.

I guess we were taking the night shift because it was close to midnight and we were back at the bridge.

"This is where she died." I said.

"I think you mean where she commited suicide." Dean added.

"Yes I mean that."

"Do you think dad could've been here?" Sam asked.

"It's a definite maybe."

"He's chasin' the same story and we're chasing him." Dean added.

"Do you know where he could've gone Chelsea?" Sam asked me.

"No. He never tells me anything anymore." I replied.

"So now what?" Sam asked.

"We keep digging 'till we find him."

"Dean I have to be back home by Monday."

"Why are you leaving?" I asked Sam.

"I have a law school interview."

"Law school? I mean congratulations. But do you really think that interview is better than family?"

"When I have a girlfriend to take care of, yes."

"Well then." I couldn't believe what I just heard come out if my brother's mouth. He really felt that way? Especially after just finding out about me.

"You think you're going to have a simple life, marry your girl, become a lawyer?" Dean asked.


"And does she know what you do? What we do?" I added.

"No and she's never going to."

"Well that's healthy."

"You can pretend all you want Sammy, but sooner or later your going to have to except who you really are." Dean implied.

"Who's that Dean?"

"One of us."

"No. I'm nothing like you two. This is not going to be my life."

"You have a responsibility." I added.

"To who? To dad, and his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what mom looks like. What difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing killed her, mom's gone."

"Don't you ever talk about her like that. Not even in front of Chelsea." Dean said after shoving Sam into a beam.

"At least you know how she looks Sam. I've never seen anything that ever belonged to mom. I don't know anything about her." I screamed at him. Then I started to walk away with Dean following me. Then I saw a woman standing at the edge of the bridge. She had black hair and she was wearing a white dress.

"Sam." Dean said. She looked at us then fell off of the bridge. Like nothing. Then we started to run to where she was. We looked over the edge and didn't see anything. I didn't even hear a splash. Then I heard an engine start. We looked away from the edge and at Dean's car.

"Who's driving your car?" Sam asked. Then Dean lifted up his keys and in an instant the car started to drive towards us. Rather fast I might add. I moved to the side knowing that she couldn't hurt me. The boys were running away while the car was driving towards them. Then I saw Sam and Dean jump over the side of the bridge. The car turned off.

"Sam! Dean!" I yelled running over to the side. I looked over and saw Sam climbing from the side. I reached over for him to grab my hand. I helped him up then we looked over and tried to find Dean. Then we saw him crawling out of the lake.

"Dean! Hey you alright?" Sam yelled.

"I'm super." He replied covered in either mud or shit.

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