Chapter Thirteen: Truth

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The car seems sickeningly empty on the way home. Aunt Cass's green pick up truck was always a tight fit for the four of you to cram into, but you always managed. And now, here you sit, one arm around Hiro and a gaping space between your right leg and the door. You stare out the window.

When Aunt Cass pulls up to the cafe, she slowly shuts the car off. She shakily breaks the silence. "Um, I guess I'll have to make a few calls." She sits back in her seat. "___, don't feel like you have to, but could you stay the night?"

You want to say no. You want to run away from the cafe and never look back. The pain is unreal. But even without Tadashi, you love Cass and Hiro. They're your family. "Of course, Cass. I'll stay for as long as you want."

She smiles and nods. The tears in her eyes glisten in the streetlights. "Thank you, sweetie." She opens her door. You open yours and climb out. The cafe looks dark. A part of you tells you that Tadashi is there. He's on his bed, working ahead on his assignments because he's that much of an overachiever. Hiro slides out of the truck and immediately latches himself against your side again. This closeness reminds you of when you were ten and he was eight.

Tadashi was twelve, and he was always more into the grown up things. He left you and your silly fighting bots for textbooks and high tech tools. You stayed mostly with Hiro. You taught him some things about bots and he taught you some things about them. That year and a half before you turned twelve was when you finally got close to him.

Of course, you have always been closer to Tadashi. He is the love of your life. Your stomach twists. Was. You push that thought away.

Aunt Cass opens the door to the cafe. You step in and guide Hiro up the steps. Once in the room, you flip on the light. Tadashi's room lights up. His freshly made bed from this morning that will never be slept in again makes the tears leak out of your eyes. A part of you knows that the pain will be even worse once the shock goes away. Hiro slowly removes himself from your side and walks to the bed. He pulls the black SFIT hat out of the pocket of his hoodie and sets it on the bed. He then walks back to his side of the room and removes his hoodie. He drops it on the floor and kicks it under the bed.

"Do you need anything?" you ask Hiro gently. His eyes are empty as they stare into the wooden floor. He slowly shakes his head. "Okay. Try to get some sleep."

You turn back to the steps. "Wait," Hiro stops you. You turn back. "Where are you going?"

"To the couch. I'm staying the night," you explain.

"Don't go," Hiro says. "Please? I'm scared."

Suddenly, Hiro doesn't seem like the fourteen year old boy you've known. He seems four again. His small voice reminds you of when he would wake Tadashi up during a sleepover because of his nightmares. He just lost his brother. Of course he's scared. He must feel completely alone.

"Okay. I'm not going anywhere." You cross the room and sit on his bed. Hiro moves all of the way over and lets you slide in between his comforter and sheet. You lay back on his pillow and turn to face him. He moves back over to you and curls up in a ball. His sobs shake his body. You drape an arm over him and tug the blanket up. "I'm here, Hiro. Get some sleep." He shakes for the next four hours. You're tired, but you can't sleep. The scene plays out in your head for the next few hours.

"You can't do this."

"Callaghan is in there. Someone has to help."

"Promise me that you'll come out. Cross your heart."

"I'm sorry."

He didn't make a promise. He knew that he wouldn't make it out. He kept his promise from before.

"I won't ever lie to you, ___."

He never did.

You let out a choking sob into Hiro's comforter. He can probably hear it, but he doesn't say anything. He just whispers, "I can't sleep."

"I can't, either," you reply softly.

"I'm afraid I'll have nightmares," Hiro says.

"I'll be here when you wake up," you assure him. "If I happen to fall asleep and you need me, just get me up."

Hiro nods. A few minutes later, he's asleep. You fall asleep an hour or two later, just as the sun comes up.

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