The greedy prince

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Once upon a time there was a greedy prince who hated sharing. On his birthdays, he would grab all his presents and lock them in his room so no one else could look at them. He would then take his cake and eat it all himself, leaving not even the tiniest of crumbs for other people. His father, the king, grew extremely worried. If his son were to rule the kingdom when he died, he'd need to change his personality and fast.

On the prince's seventeenth birthday the king brought only two presents for his son. The first of them was a rabbit with honey coloured fur. The second was a beautiful girl with flowing golden hair, supple red lips and sparkling blue eyes. Despite being angry at his father for the lack of presents, the prince still locked the two he recieved in his room. He then stomped into the kitchen and demanded to have his birthday cake. He was enraged when he saw the size of his cake. It was TINY. Well, not really. It was probably twice the size of most people our day's cakes. He was just used to giant cakes for his birthday. He took the cake, shaking with rage and returned to his room.

The beautiful girl was crying in a corner and the rabbit was trying to comfort her. When the girl saw the Prince, she whimpered and pressed herself further into the corner. This confused the prince. Why was something that belonged to him so sad? He asked her why she was so sad, and she replied by saying that she was taken away from her father, who was very I'll, by force and it didn't help that she was locked in his room after all that. The prince felt an emotion that most people thought he wasn't capable of. Guilt. It .was his fault such a pretty girl was crying. His fault the girl was taken from her father. He took in a deep breath and thought about what he should do. He let out a sigh, then made up his mind. She would be allowed to live with her father on the condition that she visited the prince four times a week. 

Day after day she visited, and day after day the prince grew less and less selfish. Then one day he did something that no one expected to do. He asked the girl to Mary him. She, of course said yes, because she had fallen in love with him almost the moment he started changing. 

The End~ 


A.N: 'Kay, SO this is the first of the children's bedtime stories. Not all will be written this way, and their lengths will vary a lot~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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