I woke up at 7:00am as I would at home. I went to the bathroom and then back to Rose's room where I see her sitting up on her bed. I go over to her to say good morning and to give her a morning kiss. She had went to the bathroom while I started getting dressed.
I put on my gray and blue Jordan shirt with my white joggers and my white, gray, and, blue j's. While Rose was now getting dressed I put on my lotion and my cologne. Rose dressed up in her black and white skater skirt and a plain black shirt with her white Levis. We walked out the door at 8:05. I texted Eric and he had told me he was getting close. Me and Rose walked to the end of the street and to the left of us we see Eric and Sam.
They had caught up to us and we all began walking to school. Sam was telling us that he may be moving to our school soon. We were at the cross walk in no time then Sam started his walk the way to his school while we where going three streets up and making a left then a right to be at our school. When we got to school it was 8:30 turning 8:31am. We waited till the bell rang at 8:40 until everyone went to their first class or breakfast.
Different Is Ok
RandomTony is a girl who is 14 and she is in the 8th grade.She had this secret that no one knew since last year. She has a best friend who is gay and name Eric. After what happened at lunch it has broke loose.