05 • Kryptonite

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Well the killer couldn't have found a more inconvenient way to leave evidence. Who even has a DVR player anymore? If only he would have left the DVR here four hours earlier when I could actually purchase a device to play the tape.

I tucked the object underneath my mattress, just in case my parents searched my room during the day. Although they should realize by now that if I were doing drugs my room would be the last place I would hide them.

I began to move furniture in front of my windows and door. I really did not like the idea of a killer watching me as I slept, so I was sure to take extra measures. I never understood why he was so obsessed with me. I hardly had a life, aside from Netflix and Science Fair. It just didn't make sense.

I decided that maybe some music could lighten the mood, if not provoke thought. I fell onto my bed and began to stare at the ceiling. In the morning I'd probably put a crime web up there, just to think about in the night. I read somewhere that you retain more information while you sleep. Maybe thats why I do so well in school. . .


The halls seemed foreign as I sulked through the school. Missing persons posters hung on the walls. There was a shrine inside of Lila's locker, the door was open. Several pictures were tapped inside, along with some candles burning inside.

I passed Sam's locker but, there wasn't anything inside. It didn't come as much of a surprise to me. He wasn't popular, there was nothing for anyone to gain by pretending to care about him. I pulled a picture of him and myself as a kid out of my book bag. I took it out of a frame in the living room this morning, hopefully my mom won't notice.

I did put him on the suspect list but I have no doubt he's innocent. Theres no way he could've killed Lila, let alone where a trench coat. He was one of those guys who wore shorts and a t-shirt all year, no matter how cold. I laughed thinking about it. My mom used to lecture him, tell him he would get frostbite he kept dressing like that.

I guess it was kind of comforting that no matter where the trench coat man has him, he's warm. Although it sounds a bit weird now that I write it down. I headed to Geno's for first period, which in retrospective is quite convenient for the purpose of this memorial epic.

Geno would actually be teaching today, which was fine by me. I had a really bad vibe from Walker. Geno was a pale man with brown hair. If you ask me his name didn't really fit him. I would've changed it by now. If anything he looked a bit like Lila, which I found really odd. It's not exactly the best feeling to crush on a girl who likes your teacher.

As soon as he saw me come in he sat up at his desk. He looked as though he was studying me. It kind of bothered me, the way he was looking at me. When the bell rang he got up and began to teach, but I didn't really pay attention. I couldn't think about anything else besides Lila. I began to nod off until I ended falling asleep.

I opened my eyes, at first my vision was blurry. It was so. . . bright? I thought I was inside Geno's class? When I could see I realized I was somewhere in a forest. The local forest,  the one I run around. In the distance I saw the water tower. Hovering above the ever green trees.

As I saw it, the world around me began to shift. It collapsed and unfolded, like an origami figure. Trees unfolded to white poles, grass unfolded into a cement base. The water tower began to form around me.

A ladder came down from the tower. I began to climb. As I did so a man appeared in front of me. He was laughing, laughing non-stop. He was wearing a brown trench coat, the same the killer wore.  I tried to speed up, I tried to catch him. But I was always two rungs below.

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