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3 days later I now sit in Ikuto's house, the memory of my last visit burning in my mind, as Utau and everyone started making plans. "We should go shopping! I need new clothes!!" Utau exclaimed. I sat quietly beside Ikuto on the couch. He had his arm around me and sat back, completely relaxed.

I on the other hand was embarrassed and nervous out of my mind! After our little heated session a few days earlier I haven't been back to Ikuto's house since. I've been to embarrassed because I feel like I might do... THAT again...

A bad blush rushes to my cheeks and I dip my head down to try and hide it from the other's. They had no clue what had happened between me and Ikuto and honestly I'm overjoyed. What would they think about me then!? The quiet, nerd girl almost going all the way with Ikuto Tsukiyomi!

That would be quite the story... to be honest Ikuto has even stopped walking me to classes and hardly gets to hangout with me after school. I feel like he's avoiding me or finding someone else to have sex with maybe... no Ikuto wouldn't cheat! H-he said he loves me so... that means we'll stay together forever... right?

Ugh! I hate how confusing this love stuff is! "Well I think we shoould go to the new candy shop that just opened!!" Yaya shouted. Rima sighed. "Ameatures, it's October and Halloween is a few days away. It's obvious that we should go to a haunted house!" She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Everyone got quiet. "Yeah... that's better than shopping cause then I can get scared and hug onto a guy!" Utau smiled. Kukai blushed and looked at his feet. I froze. HAUNTED HOUSE!? Nooooo! I could barely make it through a kid one with Ikuto, how am I going to survive this!!?

Suddenly Ikuto cleared his throat, gaining attention as me and him hardly spoke to the group. "I don't want to go, me and Amu will stay here instead." He stated nonchalantly. My face heated up a bit with embarrassment. I looked down so no one could see. Thank you Ikuto... Utau sighed.

"Ikuto you're no fun, I bet Amu would like to go and get scared. I bet you'd like having her cling onto you for protection! It's fun you guys should come!" I gulped. In the end I still have to tell them I'm afraid. I was about to speak when Ikuto cut me off.

"Actually I don't really like haunted houses so... we won't go. Me and Amu actually prefer to watch a movie or something anyways." I gulped, Ikuto shouldn't have to always save me. "A-actually it's o-okay if we go... right Ikuto?" I looked up at him innocently and he gritted his jaw and looked away.

My heart shattered and I fought back the sadness. Does he not like me? Was he trying to get away from me and that's why he didn't want to go? So I wouldn't cling to him? I dropped my head and my chin trembled.

"See Ikuto! Your girlfriend does want to go!!" Utau stated. I really do wish I wouldn't have to go but I thought if I went I wouldn't depend on Ikuto so much to save me.

I really am too hopeless. No wonder he wants to leave me! "Alright, I'll go but know I warned you." Ikuto sighed. I kept my head down, I'm still a failure. After awhile I heard my name being said. "Are you ready Amu?" Rima asked.

I braced myself and looked up with a big smile on, hiding my sadness. "Yes!!" I agreed as happily as I could.

I don't want to inconvenience them. I shouldn't hold them back from having fun just because I'm too scared. They all stood up and announced that we should get ready. "We'll be ready in a minute I just need to talk to Amu a second." Ikuto stated. Huh? Is he going to yell at me!?

I walked after him in shame. He took me into his room and closed the door. My heart raced and pounded, I was behind closed doors in a guy's room with my boyfriend. Last time that happened things got out of hand!!!

Suddenly he grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. His eyes captured mine and I became lost. "Amu I really-" he stopped himself but I couldn't help the anticipation in my voice. "Yes?!" I leaned forward a bit.

He dropped his hand from my chin and looked away. "Just tell me if you get too scared okay?" My heart once again broke and I couldn't help the look of sadness that washed over me. "Oh... okay. Should we go then?" I hurriedly walked to the door and left.

I sat in between Utau and Naji and stayed silent, why was Ikuto acting like this? I felt really heart broken. The whole way there I said nothing to Ikuto and when we got the amusement park I didn't pair up with Ikuto. Instead I latched onto Rima's arm and didn't let go until the bitter end.

We were approaching the end of the house and I was trembling so bad I could barely walk. Rima got angry and left me, although I could tell she was a little scared too. I hated the fact I couldn't run to Ikuto who casually walked as if this was a grand tour of a mansion.

I was trembling so bad I ended up being the last one in the group. I clenched my hands. I can do this! Just a few more minutes! I stepped with trembling feet, telling myself that this was staged and nothing serious was suppose to happen. Just then I tripped and fell down.

In the time it took me to recover from my twisted ankle the rest of the group had left me behind. My heart rate began to speed up and I could hear it pounding in my chest and ears. I spun around frantically searching for them. I'm alone! Suddenly I heard a.noise and I screamed and ran forward.

Hallway after hallway passed but I couldn't find my friends. Tears started to sting my eyes and I stopped running, facing my fate. I was left behind to be killed off!! I sat down and hugged my legs, crying.my eyes out. I wanna go home!

Tears streamed down my face and I whimpered. I want Ikuto! "Amu..." My eyes widened and hot tears fell. I lifted my head, my breathing now stopped. In the darkness I saw those deceiving ruby red eyes and blonde hair. I gulped, now I really want Ikuto!!!

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