Where are we?

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*Laurens pov*

I opened my eyes slowly and began to look around. There was a chair in the corner and a rug on the floor. Journey and Jordon were sitting on the floor like me with our hands tied up and our legs bound.

"what happened?" i groaned out

"idk, all i remember is walking down the road and then it went black" jordon said slowly

"Where are we?" journey asked

"idk but we need to get out of here and i remember something, there was a white van following us and someone said get the numbers off the license. Thats all i remember." I said

"we were kidnapped by those guys. NOW I REMEMBER!" jordon said somewhat excitedly.

"shhhhhh they might be able to see and hear us" journey said

We sat there scoping out the room for a little while and trying to figured out where we were, how to get out, and who was doing this. Just then a loud screech noise and then a voice came through a speaker in the ceiling and said :


"what the fuck OMG" i said as did journey and jordon. We were so freaked out and scared but we had to figure a way out.

"hey you guys do any of you have your phones or if they took them do you know where they are and believe me i know that sounds stupid but im just checking" i said.

"they took my phone i know that i saw them take it" jordon said.

"i stuck my grandmas in my shoe so i would have a spare but idk if its in there i cant really tell" journey said.

We maneuvered around so that we could reach her feet and help her luckly it was there but we still didnt know if they could see us or hear us, though we were pretty sure they could so we had to be careful. We got the phone out of her shoe and she slid into the corn of the room that wasent on the camera, from what we could tell.

Yes we found a camera in the corner and so we decided that the one corner where she was was off camera from what we could tell.

So journey tried to text someone but then she got all mad and yelled "SHIT!!"

"What!?!" Jordon and I both yelled out simultaneously.

"The damn thing died" she cursed
"Well it's ok journey we will figure something out and get out and I know the boys are running frantic trying to find us" Jordon tried to calm her, and me frankly, down.

Jordon has always been the calmest one of the group since I can remember and always knows how to stay calm and help us stay calm.

*Jc's POV*

It's been a while since I've seen any of the girls and I'm starting to worry. I walked into the kitchen where Kian, Sam, Trevor and a few other guys were talking and laughing.

"Kian, Sam, Trevor can I talk to y'all for a second?" I asked as I motioned for them to come away from the group they were around.

"Yeah what's the matter jc are you ok dude you don't look so good?" Sam said.

"I'm ok I'm just worried have any of you seen any of the girls in the last thirty minutes?" I asked kinda worried

"No I haven't see them come to think of it I thought journey was with Andrea" Sam said getting more worried.

"No Andrea was with me u till like two minutes ago she went to the bathroom but none of the girls have been with her for thirty minutes" Kian said as Andrea walked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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