Lets add that to things i never wanna hear

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Me and Wesley have hung out all week and he's actually pretty cool and coming from me that's actually like amazing because i am sort of a man hater. Anyway my friends are getting suspicious although there is absolutely no chemistry there I don't even think of him in that way.

"Fiona stop badgering about this I don't like him omg" I tell her in an annoyed tone for the millionth time today. They are seriously starting to annoy me with this.

"Well you hate boys and for a second we all thought you were a lesbian but you like Wesley so i guess we were wrong i mean im just saying im totally team Tesley" she replies with a small laugh.

"Tesley? What the fuck is a Tesley?" I ask her letting an amused and partially confused look cross my face. I'm really in the dark about this relationship crap but who cares? Not me. Mitch Grassi and Netflix are my babies.
"I've gotta go anyway im meeting Wesley at the park in about 20 minutes which means I'll be late but then again when am i ever on time?" I tell Fiona then grab my keys and cell phone from her bed.

"Don't do anything dirty and I want details later so call me love you bunches bye my little munchkin." Fiona says then stands and gives me a hug. That girl is a hugger , Fiona is.

"Don't worry Finn is daddy." I tell her with a straight face. We stared at each other for a few seconds then burst into laughter. We are so weird. After about 5 minutes Fiona decides i have to leave.

"That's gross but go get out I wouldn't want to be the one holding up Tesley. Don't forget to call me." She says ushering me out of her house.

"I won't , love you Fi" I tell her then begin walking very hastily towards the park i was supposed to be at almost 10 minutes ago. Woops.

After about 10 minutes of walking i spot Wesley on a bench with a container of what looks like  alfredo but I can't be sure because im not super close. If you don't know , alfredo is my all time favorite food and I'd like die without it. Okay so maybe im exaggerating but it's still the best meal in the world nonetheless.

"Wesley" I say and I kinda have to yell which gets me a few dirty looks but I don't give a shit. I kinda have a potty mouth , get used to it. Anyway Wesley being the big idiot he is runs up to me in all his manliness and basically tackles me. Which I return by punching him in the shoulder. Im tiny but very aggressive and i think Wesley just learned that.

"Woah there doll face calm yourself we wouldn't want you running out of breath." Wesley says with a chuckle. He chuckles a lot and I've also picked up on his habit of biting his nails and lip. Lip biting is so hot and god i would violate his lips........with a pen. Yep I'd stab his lips. He also calls me doll face a lot and it's kinda weird but I allow it given the fact that i call him pretty boy.

"Put a sock in it pretty boy." I reply sending him a playful glare. He gives me puppy dog eyes and hands me the container whuch as I guessed is filled with yummy alfredo. It looks a few hours old which is amazing because that's just how i like it.

"So did you miss me doll face? I am pretty amazing to be around." He says with a smirk plastered across his pretty little face.

"I think you pronounced conceited and annoying wrong." I reply with a smirk equally as large. We do this a lot , play with each other i mean.

"Yeah yeah so you wanna know something about me?" Wesley asks me randomly

I nod not bothering to stop stuffing my face and actually reply to him. Hey what can i say alfredo is super yummy.

"I've only had sex like twice." He says nonchalantly which causes me to almost choke because i was expecting an "I still bite my toenails" or something.

"Lets add your sex life to things i never wanna hear." I reply after I stop dying. Okay maybe not dying but choking nonetheless and that leads to death so whatever. Wesley just responds with a short chuckle and I really don't understand what's funny because im completely serious right now.

"But moooooommmmm" I whine because whining always works on her. My mom is really cool and super lax but today she is being a grade-A pain in the ass.

"I already said no Tess. No means no." She replies shooting me a very stern look. I guess she really means business today.

"Can i at least invite the girls and Connor over?" I ask my mom in my sweetest voice and put on my saddest face. This is my back up to getting what I want. I sound like a brat , I know but I swear im not.

"What happened to that other boy ? William was it ? She asks generally confused seeing as Wesley and I hung out last night.

"Wesley mother. His name is Wesley and what about him? I already know what she'll say though.

"I thought you two were an item. You seem pretty infatuated with him." My mom tells me as she begins preparing lunch. She loves to cook but it makes sense seeing as she owns many restaurants international.

"Ew mom gross we're just friends that's gross ugh im gonna stab his lips cause they are too fluffy for my liking." I say sighing loudly for dramatic effect.

"Always so dramatic anyway invite over your friends and I'll be cooking if you need me." She tells me as i head towards the stairs.

As soon as I reach the top i call the girls and they tell me they'll be over soon but Connor is out with his dad so he can't make it. Sigh. I even call Wesley im kinda praying he goes to voicemail though. In the 4th ring when im ready to hang up he decides to answer.

"Hey i was just calling to see if you wanted to come over i guess my mom wants to meet you which I don't understand because we aren't dating but whatever."

"Yeah be there in a bit. Thanks for inviting me Tessa." He replies and can already imagine the dimply smile he has.

"See you soon doll face" he says and i lightly laugh before hanging up and laying against my headboard waiting for my friends.

This chapter was like a load of shit and im really sorry but im stressed out about school and stuff. Sigh. But I'll try to update soon. Also photo of Tessa on the side. See you soon my lovelies xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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