Lewks gud dai

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Once epon a tiem lewk woz awalkin downz d street thinkin bowt hiz luvly frend Column.
Column woz a gud frend. Lewk luved luvely Column cos he was a not man whore hu nvr stole nyones betch coz he woz so niec.
Then lewk becam so hungry.
He runned away 2 d nearest drug dealer den realized he woz hungry n not in de mude for mawawana at that tiem. Bad lewk he tolded hemself coz he luvs layin Downs d law liek a gud citezen n dats what lewk was so he wented 2 Michelle Obama's hotdogawy witch woz actually mieky but but he prefered Michelle Obama n lewk haz 2 lern 2 respect ppls opineeonz.

Wen lewk gots 2 d hotdogawy he met aasshhterrrn hoos v hot so lewk lics him coz hoo wudnt I wud
Aaasshhterrrn eated a hotdawg n an Vegemite on toste.
Lewk oders wot aasshhterrrn haz but hee don't liek it so he hits aasshhterrrn wit an boomerang 4 DCving him n stots 2 crie coz hee tauwt he n aasshhterrrn woz frends buttz he didn't trust dat cruel lamposte nymore after wot hee did.
Gerdbye aasshhterrrn he seded n he bawt a niec bowl ov cheesy puffs n him n Column rode d giraffe into d sunset. Day lived happily evr after n lewk didn't shair any cheesy puffs wit Column. The end

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